Blood Red Rivers/Streets, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Author: Paul Lehr
Dhaka, Bangladesh: This is real blood. This is not an algae bloom, a fertilizer spill, bacteria gone wild, or an environmental mess. This is the Muslim Holiday Eid.
Eid al-Adha is also known as the Feast of Sacrifice. This is a memorial of the Prophet Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son Ishmael to Allah. As contrasted to the Bible in Genesis 22 where Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac to Yahweh (God).
During Eid thousands of sheep, goats, and cows are sacrificed. This event marks the end of what is called Dhu al-Hiijah. The sacrificed meat is given to the poor.
It was reported that two bulls escaped sacrifice and managed to cause chaos.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016: Heavy rain pounded Dhaka, Bangledesh. The city does not have the best of drainage. The result was rivers of bloody streets.
In a follow up to the blood red river in the Arctic of Russia, Norilsk Nickel has admitted to an accidental spill at one of its plants. They are now taking responsibility for the Daldykan River turning red.
Initially the world’s largest nickel company denied they were the cause.
September 5, 2016: Heavy rains at a “filtration dam” at the Nadezhda plant caused an overflow and spill into the Daldykan River.
Everybody relax…there is no danger to people or wildlife.
Revelation 16:4 Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood.
The verse mentioned in Revelation 16 is towards the last third of the Tribulation. The scope and scale are global. These are the streets of Dhaka. This is not the Tribulation. The antichrist does not have a Temple to defile yet.
For all the critics out there who want a real blood red river…
Paul Lehr – Bio
Paul Lehr is a Speech Pathologist and home health provider. The majority of his work focuses on swallowing disorders in neurologically impaired patients. He has been a business owner for the past 18 years. Paul earned his BS in Speech Pathology and Audiology from Oklahoma State University. His MA was completed in Speech Pathology at Oklahoma State University.
When Paul’s son was born prematurely in 2003, there was lots of support from family and friends. Keeping up with phone calls was too much. So he provided e-mails with updates on health and well-being. In time, his son was healthy and came home. The e-mails stopped but Paul was encouraged to keep writing.
Three years later, Paul was asked to assist in writing a Sunday school curriculum. The lessons were well received by the local body and on the church website. Again, he was encouraged to keep writing.
Next, Paul taught a Sunday School class for junior high and high school students. He would share notes with others from the class he was teaching. In 2010, a young man at a local church encouraged Paul to start a blog. The website focuses on topical studies such as creation, God’s Appointed Holidays and Feasts, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, end times prophecy, ancient Hebrew cultural customs, the Prophet Isaiah, and various topical studies.
Three years later, Paul’s 10 year old son told me, “Dad, you need to do updates on how the news is tied to the Bible.” The “Trend Update” was born. Since then, traffic on the website doubled in each of the next two years. Exposure continues to grow and increase from the previous year as of 2016.
In the spring of 2016, a friend and fellow Boy Scout father encouraged Paul to start a YouTube channel. His friend thought it was a natural fit considering the content and subscribers from the website. The videos and written posts have been well received. Between the blog and YouTube channel, God’s prophetic words have reached over 190 countries.
Isaiah 55:11 So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; it will not return to Me empty, without accomplishing what I desire, and without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it.
Friends and family help and support the blog and YouTube channel with content ideas. There is too much happening in relation to Bible prophecy for one person to follow and command the events of our day.
That same Boy Scout father would later introduce Paul to the movies of Trey Smith and the God in a Nutshell Project…
Guest speak and presenter duties have focused on the topics of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in God’s Appointed Spring Feasts, Mystery Babylon, the antichrist, Ezekiel 38-39, and current events related to Bible prophecy.
At this time, Paul would like to encourage each individual to learn about who God is. Because one way or another, we are all eternal. The issue is our destiny.
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