Beyond Reality
Signs: Intro summary
Signs: A Summary of the Intro
Signs Intro Summary: This page is a writen version of the concept of the intro to the film Signs by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell.
We begin with the Exodus account. The book of Exodus is a story—an historical account—of oppression and deliverance. Literally,...
Occult 101: Occult Worship from Aliens to Devils
Occult 101: A Glimpse Behind the Veil
The occult has been an ever present part of our world beginning, in the Garden of Eden, with the serpent. The occult boasts "secret knowledge," just as the serpent (nachash) claimed Adam and Eve would gain "secret knowledge" by eating from the...
Rocketman: Is it superhealth from trees?
Trey's NOTES: Underneath is the commentary and description of Rocketman by Michael Hughes. I would note that over the years I had some concern doing an article on his Rocketman as one of its uses is ~ as he puts it ~ "is for the hydrophilic system...
Day Light to Dark in Russia
Amos 8:9 “And on that day,” declares the Lord GOD, “I will make the sun go down at noon and darken the earth in broad daylight.”
July 25, 2018: And the lights went out in Russia… in the middle of the day. And this is Newsweek reporting! The sky went dark...
YHVH: the GOD dimension is a journey into the first sentence of the Book of Genesis.
To get YHVH: the GOD Dimension, click here.
To get YHVH: the GOD Dimension, click here.
DONALD TRUMP: JERUSALEM and the 7th 70 of 70’s with 777 of 7’s
TRUMP: Jerusalem becomes the capitol of Israel, and here is the list of 7's.
Jerusalem becomes the capitol of Israel end of 2017.
Donald Trump won the presidential election on the exact same day as the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s 7th year,...
If You Get My Vibe
Author: Andrew Smith
In this arrangement, we are going to examine science, philosophy, and theology from the perspective of a contrite mind and full well knowing that the places we are trying to explain or lay hold of remain outside of the realm of a complete and full understanding during our...
Afterlife: The “GOD” TRUTH about “LIFE-after-DEATH”
Afterlife: Is LIFE-AFTER-DEATH REAL? What comes after death? Is hell a real place? Is heaven an actual realm or dimension? Does God actually exist? All these mysteries of life-after-death -- and more -- are addressed in the Afterlife documentary special presentation by Trey Smith.
2030 Agenda Part One: Technocracy, Climate Catastrophe, and the Singularity
Author: Zebulon Rogers
The Singularity. Mars colonization. Looming climate catastrophe.
What do these things and more have in common?
The year 2030AD. From President Barack Obama's Mars mandate to Michio Kaku's writings on man merging with machine, high-profile personalities from all over the world have been touting the year as the...
Problems in Public Education?
Author: Michael J. Fox
In my proclivity of analyzes with narcissistic morons, entitled as administrators through sarcastic and cynical vision, I’ve concluded that the educational system is nothing more than a prevarication, a canard. For those living in East Cleveland a Lie.
On Tuesday February 23, 2016 at John Marshall High School...