Michael Hughes (Sunbeam)
Michael Hughes is the owner of Sunbeam America, and the Chief Executive Officer for Sunbeam Motorsports, Inc.
Michael Hughes — seen above at completion of one of the world’s first “sun-powered, free energy” SUV’s (the Sunbeam Alpine) — not only oversees Sunbeam manufacturing plants, but has been an entrepreneur and pioneer of free energy technologies for decades.
Michael Hughes: The image above is two different colors of the Sunbeam Alpine (credit Michael Hughes). The Sunbeam Alpine would give any Hummer a run for the money. It is a Hybrid vehicle able to run on sun-power, or gasoline… Also having an array of other options. There is NO vehicle on earth like it.
From Trey Smith / God in a Nutshell
Michael Hughes and Sunbeam have SIGNIFICANTLY supported and aided in Biblical Archaeology projects for decades….. It comes at no surprise to us at God in a Nutshell that Michael has also been the mind behind some of the boldest, baddest and most aggressive free energy projects on planet Earth.
Also, when talking about free energy — straight up — you need TOUGH stuff…. REAL stuff… STUFF that works.
For all these reasons and more, at God in a Nutshell, we support the work and technology of Sunbeam and Michael Hughes.
~Trey Smith