Perceptions… Christine McDonald

The self–righteous scream judgments against others to hide the noise of skeletons dancing in their own closets. ―John Mark Green

Have you ever wondered how two people can stand side by side, witnessing the same event, yet report seeing two totally different things? Our past experiences shape how we interpret nearly everything around us. People from strong, loving families often have a more confident view of themselves as well as the world they interact with than those who grew up with less support.
Oftentimes, these experiences also define our perceptions of who God is, as well as what our purpose is on this planet. Those who have been raised in the church may not always be aware of how far apart their understanding of Jesus and salvation is from those who have only ever been hurt by the world.

Jesus bridged this gap time and time again throughout Scripture. His anger and “judgment” were never directed toward those who were clearly lost. After all, they already felt like they were as far from God as they could get. They saw their need for Him. Instead, we see His anger and cutting words repeatedly hurled against the religious leaders of the day who used the law to oppress people instead of freeing them or leading them back to their Creator. Such leaders had no idea of their own need for saving; hence they had no grace for others.
“Love your neighbor, all of ’em.” -Christine Clarity McDonald