Revelation Outline… Phil Kulis
Introduction and Benediction
Greeting the Seven Churches
Vision of the Son of Man
Letter to the Loveless Church, Ephesus
Letter to the Persecuted Church, Smyrna
Letter to the Compromising Church, Pergamos
Letter to the Corrupt Church, Thyartira
Letter to the Dead Church, Sardis
Letter to the Faithful Church, Philadelphia
Letter to the Lukewarm Church, Laodiceans
The Throne Room of Heaven
The Lamb Takes the Scroll
Elders hold up incense for and sing the prayers for the saints declaring Lamb’s worthiness
All Heavenly beings, the four living creatures, the 24 elders and all the angels declare the worthiness of the Lamb
Every living creature in heaven, on earth, under the earth and in the sea, bless the Lamb.
1st Seal – White Horse, Conqueror.
2nd Seal – Red Horse, Peace taken, men kill each other.
3rd Seal – Black Horse, economic collapse, hyperinflation
4th Seal – Pale Horse – Death and Hell for 1/4 of Earth (geographic or % of total population?)
5th Seal – Martyrs in Heaven
6th Seal – EQ, Sun & moon darkened, stars fall, sky recedes, mountains and islands moved. People hiding in bunkers
144K Sealed
Uncountable multitude in Heaven Rapture?!!! (See Luke 21:36)
7th Seal – 1/2 hr silence, 7 Angels w/7 Trumpets, angel with incense censer waives it before God then it’s thrown to earth, lightnings, thunders and an earthquake
1st Trumpet – Hail & fire mingled with blood, 1/3 Vegetation burned.
2nd Trumpet – Great burning mountain? hits seas, 1/3 seas turn to blood, 1/3 sea creatures die, 1/3 ships destroyed.
3rd Trumpet – a great star, Wormwood fell from heaven onto rivers and springs, 1/3 waters polluted w/deadly bitterness.
4th Trumpet – 1/3 sun, 1/3 moon, 1/3 stars darkened. Three Woes proclaimed because of the next three Trumpet Angels.
5th Trumpet – 1st Woe. Locust from pit, men tormented 5 months, 144K exempt from torment. Their king is Abaddon/Apollyon
6th Trumpet – Angels at Euphrates released and kill 1/3 of mankind. Mankind does not repent.
Mighty Angel with little book, Seven Thunders’ utterance, utterance sealed.
“Days of 7th Angel sounding,..the mystery of God would be finished.”
John eats the little book, sweet in mouth, bitter in stomach.
Temple Measured, outer court given to Gentiles for 42 months.
Two Witnesses, power given to them for 1,260 days. Fire proceeds from their mouth and devours anyone who wants to harm them.
Beast from pit kills the Two Witnesses then they are resurrected.
2nd Woe is over.
7th Trumpet – Kingdom proclaimed, Temple of God opened in Heaven, Ark of His covenant seen in His Temple.
Woman Child Dragon
Satan Thrown Out of Heaven = 3rd Woe
Woman Persecuted
Beast from the Sea
Beast from the Earth
Image of the beast
Mark of the beast (666)
Lamb & 144K
Proclamation of 3 Angels:
#1 Gospel, #2 Babylon is fallen is fallen, #3 anyone who worships the beast and receives the mark will receive God’s wrath.
Reaping of Earth’s Harvest
Reaping of Grapes of Wrath
Seven angels with the seven last plagues, with these the wrath of God is complete.
Those who have victory over the beast, image, mark and name standing on a sea of glass. They have harps and sing the song of Moses and the song of the Lamb.
Temple of the tabernacle of the testimony in heaven opened. The 7 Angels come out and are given the bowls of wrath. These are the seven LAST plagues.
Temple is then filled with smoke until the seven last plages are completed.
1st Bowl – Loathsome sores on those who have the Mark
2nd Bowl – Sea turns to blood. ALL sea creatures die.
3rd Bowl – Waters turn to blood.
4th Bowl – Men are scorched by the sun
5th Bowl – Darkness and pain
6th Bowl – Euphrates dried up preparing the way for the kings of the east. Three unclean spirits that look like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet
7th Bowl – Earth utterly shaken. Greatest EQ ever. Every island and mountain leveled. 100 pound (1 talent) hailstones
Scarlet woman and Scarlet beast
Meaning of the Woman and the Beast
The fall of Babylon the Great
The world mourns Babylon’s fall
Finality of Babylon’s fall.
Heaven exults over Babylon
Christ on a white horse
The beast and his armies defeated
Beast & false prophet thrown into the lake of fire
Satan bound for 1,000 years
Saints reign with Christ for 1,000 years
Satanic rebellion crushed
The Great White Throne Judgment
All things made new
The New Jerusalem
The glory of the New Jerusalem
The River of Life
The time is near
Jesus testifies to the Churches
A warning
I AM coming quickly