Revelation: Philadelphia, Christ Loves His Bride

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie—behold, I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.
This is the fourth and last mention of Satan to the churches in Revelation. The church at Smyrna also had their synagogue of Satan.
…the synagogue of Satan…The Greek word for “synagogue” is not the same Greek word used for “church”.
The word for “synagogue” is the transliterated word συναγογε/sunagoge. Two points about this word. One, it is a physical structure or building. Two, it is an assembly of men.
The Greek word for “church” is εκκλεσια/ekklesia. It means: a called out group of Christians; the whole body of Christians scattered throughout the earth. The church is not a building.
Satan’s synagogue is different than Jesus Christ’s church. They can make the claim, but they are not the real deal.
Jesus states two times in the verse. “Behold, I will make…” In the future, Christ is going to take action on these liars. Those of the synagogue of Satan will be forced by Jesus to “come and bow down before your feet”. Satan’s group will be physically present before the church. They will “bow down” or προσκυνέω/proskuneó in the Greek. They will be on their knees in a prostrate position of absolute submission. They will kiss the ground the church treads.
Christ has a reason for bringing Satan’s followers to a point of church worship. It is an educational opportunity. They must γινώσκω/ginóskó. It is time to know, learn, realize, and ascertain.
I have loved you…This is word ἀγαπάω/agapaó. This is God’s unconditional love towards those who chose His Son. God takes pleasure in those who chose Him of their own free will. This love is the nature of God.
(Definitions in study provided by Strong’s Concordance.)
To the synagogue of Satan, you made the wrong choice and followed the wrong person. You will worship those you mocked, abused, and chided.
Jesus Christ loves His bride the church.
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