Russian Troops on Israeli Border Near Golan Heights

Ezekiel 39:2 And I will turn you about and drive you forward, and bring you up from the uttermost parts of the north, and lead you against the mountains of Israel.
The prophet Ezekiel is talking to Gog of Magog. Magog is widely considered to be modern day Russia. Russia is the uttermost parts of the north from Israel. The largest peaks and mountains of Israel are located in the Golan Heights.
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July 19, 2017: According to Sputnik News out of Russia, Russian troops are essentially on the Israeli and Syrian border. This story is being written from Quneitra, Syria. Russian troops are administering humanitarian aid in the town of Quneitra. Food, basic goods, medical care and supplies are being distributed.
“Now the situation is much better. Thanks to the Syrian army and Russia for saving us from terrorism,” anonymous elderly Syrian man.
“Now everything is quiet, there is the furthest point (we control) some hundreds meters in front. A militants-controlled settlement follows. There is no communication between us, there are three roads and all of them are blocked. We have left only one small path for the militants, who want to lay down their weapons,” Senior Syrian Officer assisted by Russian officers.
This story was first reported as a possibility by the private Israeli intelligence website a couple of days ago. is also reporting Russian troops are now in Quneitra. Russia and Syria are promising more aid to the area. Israel had been providing aid to the area because the Quneitra region had been isolated by all the fighting.
The following statistical data is provided by This is what has taken place under “The Good Neighbor” program by Israel. 200,000 Syrian villagers have been receiving aid from Israel. This includes 80 non-ISIS rebel-controlled villages 15km deep inside the Syrian Golan. In 2016, Israel sent over half a million liters of heavy fuel, 360 tons of foodstuffs, 77 tons of clothing and shoes, tens of generators, a water system, medical treatment including hospital care for the sick, and a field hospital on the border for injured Syrians.
“Where were the Russians all these years when Israel alone helped the beleaguered villages across its border?” IDF Officers.
A second ceasefire deal is on the negotiating table in Syria. President Trump made this comment during a joint press conference with French President Macron.
“By having some communication and dialogue (with Russia) we were able to have a ceasefire and it’s going to go on very well. Frankly, we are working on a second ceasefire in a very rough part of Syria,” President Donald Trump.
Time to really pay attention! We are talking about peace! The Apostle Paul warned from roughly 2,000 years ago. Ezekiel warned from 2,600 years ago.
1 Thessalonians 5:2-3 For you yourselves are fully aware that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Is this the time the prophets warned a future generation???
Do your homework, your eternal soul is at stake. Jesus Christ may be knocking…
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