Straight Talk, God’s Glory Is Limitless… Rodna Epley

Everything in the imagination becomes possible in Christ as our minds are being transformed into His glorious image. It means learning to access the new nature as we put to death the old nature in Christ. This activates the glory of the Father on us and makes us the light of the world where we can turn all darkness into light by simply walking into a room.
As an apprentice of glory, He will teach us all kinds of really cool science experiments to do on earth. Jesus walked on water, turned water to wine and raised the dead. He defied the physical created laws of the universe because He operated out of the Father’s glory which has no boundaries or limitations. You could say God operates in the realm of imaginary numbers. If you can imagine it and believe it, then you can do it.
Jesus brought the Kingdom of Heaven to earth, which brought the glory of the Father to earth, and that was the difference between Jesus and us. The really cool thing is (and the part that everyone misses) is that Jesus gave us very same glory the Father gave Him before the world was (John 17:5,22,23).
The glory of the Father is the key ingredient to us doing all the works Jesus did…and greater works. This is eating at the Father’s table (John 4:31-34). The reason we don’t see many, if any, doing these works is because through man’s watered-down protein shakes and meal replacements the glory of the Father went to sleep. We became blind to the knowledge of His glory (2 Corinthians 4:4). But in Christ, the Father’s glory wakes up and gives sight to the blind, and raises the dead.
So, time to wake up His glory (Psalm 57:8) since it is the very image we are being transformed into (2 Corinthians 3:18). God is awakening our imaginations as a child’s, just as we awaken His glory which permeates Scripture from the first page to the last.
“This is why it is said: “Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” (Ephesians 5:14)
If you read this to the end…to you it has been given (Matthew 13:11, Mark 4:11, Luke 8:10)