Sun’s Coronal Hole Increases

Author: Paul Lehr
There are multiple references in the Bible regarding the impact on the sun during the tribulation or what is called The Day of the Lord by the prophets. (Joel 2:2, Joel 2:10, Joel 3:15, Zephaniah 1:15, Isaiah 13:6, 9, 10, Isaiah 24:23, Amos 5:20, Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:12b, Revelation 8:12, Revelation 9:2, and Revelation 9:18b).
We are not in the tribulation. There is no Jewish Temple for the antichrist to desecrate.
October 27, 2016: The coronal hole in the sun continues to grow.
A coronal hole is an area where the sun’s atmosphere is less dense. These holes contain less solar material. A lower temperature is noted than the rest of the corona. These areas tend to send out the fastest solar winds. A coronal hole cannot be seen in visible light with the naked eye. But it can be seen via ultraviolet light.
In May 2016, the coronal hole was estimated to be more than 10% of the sun’s surface area.
Look at the side by side comparison. Pictures courtesy of
The solar winds from the coronal hole causes geomagnetic storms on Earth. The solar winds can play havoc with the electrical grid, satellites, telecommunication equipment, radar function, solar cell damage, cable disruption, pipeline corrosion, internet, and airline passenger radiation.
Some scientists believe there is a link to increased solar wind speeds and earthquake activity.
Scientists have linked coronal holes with devastating earthquakes in recent times: Japan magnitude 8.5 and Nepal magnitude 7.8.
Volcanic activity, earthquake frequency and intensity are on the increase all across the planet.
Luke 21:11 …and there will be great earthquakes, and in various places plagues and famines; and there will be terrors and great signs from heaven.
There are parallel passages regarding earthquakes by Jesus in Matthew 24:7 and Mark 13:8. The context is the Olivet Discourse. Jesus is answering questions from the disciples regarding the signs of His coming and the End of the Age (Matthew 24:3).
Isaiah, Ezekiel, Joel, Nahum, Amos, Haggai, Zechariah, Job,and David the Psalmist have references to earthquakes during the Day of the Lord.
There are at least 7 references to earthquakes in the book of Revelation alone.
Luke 21:28 “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” –Jesus
So…is Jesus credible?