Tag Archives: love
The Gospel 33 AD
Jesus Christ died. He was buried. And He was raised.
This is the gospel message of Jesus Christ, really “good news”.
He Really Loves Us… Christine McDonald
When I got off the streets and off dope, I learned of this man who had been in the heavens who chose to be a homeless being, who was judged for His work.
The Man Who Died for Me… Christine McDonald
Loving others is an act of obedience, but we cannot trick God. He alone sees our hearts.
Precious in His Eyes… Christine McDonald
Years later, as I reflect on my growth, I value myself as many things. From addict to child of God, I am human with as much value as any other.
Oh, How He Loves You… Christine McDonald
Genuine love and compassion, the kind that truly come from Christ and are imaged in us to a broken world, view every human being as treasured and precious.
Neck Bones and Taters… Christine McDonald
My neck bone and tater patroness, however, never forgot me and never asked for anything from me…
Reminder, Saved By Grace… Christine McDonald
Paul reminds us to drop the uppity-attitude; none of us were saved by the good we did but by grace.
Created to Crave Community… Christine McDonald
God has hardwired us to need one another, to respond in kindness, and to crave community.