Tag Archives: Palestinians
Trump’s Deal of the Century
President Trump has revealed his Deal of the Century to address the Palestinian Israeli Conflict.
Kushner Unveils Economic Portion of Middle East Peace Plan
The economic details of the Middle East Peace plan were released by Senior White House Adviser Jared Kushner.
Middle East Peace: “The Deal of the Century”
President Donald Trump has completed his plan for peace between the Palestinians and Israel. It has been dubbed “The Deal of the Century”.
Kushner Visits the Middle East
Ezekiel 30:3 For the day is near, the day of the LORD is near; it will be a day of clouds, a time of doom for the nations.
June 24, 2018: Senior Presidential Adviser Jared Kushner has been traveling around the Middle East. He has been meeting with kings and heads...
Tension Mounts in Gaza Strip… Again
Ezekiel 25:15-17 Thus says the Lord God, “Because the Philistines have acted in revenge and have taken vengeance with scorn of soul to destroy with everlasting enmity,” therefore thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I will stretch out My hand against the Philistines, even cut off the Cherethites and destroy the remnant of the seacoast. I...
Nakba Day, 2018
Genesis 16:11-12 “And the angel of the LORD said to her, “Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has listened to your affliction. He shall be a wild donkey of a man, his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against...
US Embassy Move to Jerusalem Set for “This Generation” ???
Zechariah 12:2a “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around…
The date has been set. News of the move broke via Twitter.
The Price of Peace
1 Thessalonians 5:3 While people are saying, “There is peace and security,” then sudden destruction will come upon them as labor pains come upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
Vice President Mike Pence has recently concluded his trip to the Middle East. The Palestinians stiffed the Vice...
US to Cut Funding to UN, Palestinians, & Pakistanis???
Obadiah 1:15 For the day of the Lord draws near on all the nations. As you have done, it will be done to you. Your dealings will return on your own head.
January 2, 2018: More money may be returning to the American tax payer. In protest of President Trump’s Jerusalem declaration, Palestinian Mahmoud...
Obama Sides With UN on Israeli Settlements
Author: Paul Lehr
Joel 3:2b Israel…and they have divided up My land.
December 23, 2016: Today, the United States chose not to vote on the UN resolution banning further construction of Israeli settlements. By abstaining, the measure passed unanimously 14-0. The measure calls on Israel to stop construction immediately. Yesterday, Egypt brought...