Tag Archives: Rodna Epley
The Primary Purpose of the Gospel – And an Accurate Perspective… Rodna Epley
Jesus came down from the Father and went back up to the Father. He restored us to the Father. That’s the reason Jesus came and did all that He did—to restore, to reconcile us to the Father.
Cling to Jesus Christ Who Is In the Father… Rodna Epley
After Jesus was resurrected from the dead, He commanded Mary to not cling to Him, to not fasten or adhere herself to Him.
Straight Talk, Access Spiritual Light… Rodna Epley
transforming “light” is the glory of the Father which resides within each of us upon putting our faith in Christ but it lies dormant (we are blind to it even as believers) until we know that it is in us.
Straight Talk, Get Up Lazarus… Rodna Epley
Jesus had just found out His friend Lazarus was sick and purposely waited 2 more days before responding to the call by Lazarus’s sisters to come and heal him.