The Most Sacred Place on Earth… Dave Panico

If I asked you what the most sacred place on earth may be, what would you think of? Would it be an old stone monument, some old cathedral, maybe a piece of land? Recently we heard about the burning of the Notre Dame Cathedral.
The Notre Dame Cathedral is nothing less than an amazing work of art with centuries of history. I have never seen the Notre Dame Cathedral but I have visited Europe and saw many amazing cathedrals that were built in the early centuries. It just not the building but it’s also the sculptures, paintings, tapestries that are very inspiring and has a sense to bring one closer to God. Some may say that these places are very sacred. It’s hard to argue that once you’ve seen and experience these masterpieces.
With the recent fire we all have seen, part of this great masterpiece cathedral came to ashes and dust. We are faced with the reality that despite its artistic appearance, it’s made from brick, stone, wood, earthly resources. In a manner of minutes it came to ashes in what took centuries to build. Also in a manner of days millions of dollars were donated to restore the Notre Dame Cathedral. I agree that it should be. But here’s a question to ask, Do some feel that the Cathedral is such a sacred place that it needs to be restored so that God can come back so to speak and dwell there?
Interesting question. I agree that there are places where the presence of God is more prevalent than other places. Here’s a passage from…
1 Corinthians 6:19 (NIV) Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own;
Did you catch that? The most sacred place on earth is you. You carry around with you the Holy Spirit which in fact is God. That is God’s temple and that is where He wants to dwell. Pretty exciting huh? God wants to dwell in places that cannot be destroyed. It’s ironic He wants to dwell in a place that’s not made by human hands but rather by His own hand. Oh let me mention that yes the human body will decay over time but the soul – Your soul, lives forever. That’s the temple of the Holy Spirit so feed it right both mentally and physically.
Be Blessed.