US F18 Shoots Down Syrian Fighter Jet

Isaiah 17:1 The oracle concerning Damascus. “Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city and will become a fallen ruin.”
Isaiah 17:9 In that day their strong cities will be like forsaken places in the forest, or like branches which they abandoned before the sons of Israel; and the land will be a desolation.
We are watching this happen. There is fighting in every nook and cranny of Syria.
June 18, 2017: A United States F 18 Super Hornet has shot down a pro Assad Syrian SU 22. This marks the first time an American jet has shot down a Syrian government jet in the recent conflict. Tensions in the area have escalated.
The event took place near Tabqa, Syria near the Euphrates/Tabqa Dam on the Euphrates River. The Pentagon reports the Syrian SU 22 bombed US supported forces near Tabqa. The US has stated it acted in “collective self-defense of coalition partnered forces”.
Before the Syrian plane was shot down, the coalition “contacted its Russian counterparts by telephone via an established ‘de-confliction line’ to de-escalate the situation and stop the firing.” Pentagon statement.
“The coalition’s mission is to defeat ISIS in Iraq and Syria. The coalition does not seek to fight Syrian regime, Russian or pro-regime forces partnered with them, but will not hesitate to defend coalition or partner forces from any threat.” -Pentagon Spokesman
This area near Tabqa was recently held by ISIS. US backed Kurdish forces have removed ISIS from the area. Kurdish forces are primarily Sunni Muslims and backed by the United States.
To the west a few miles, Syrian government forces of the Assad regime have removed ISIS from their area. Syrian government forces are Shia Muslims and they are supported by the Russians.
As ISIS has been removed from the area in Syria, Kurdish Sunni forces and Assad’s Shia forces are clashing. The two Muslim forces are proxies for both the United States and Russia.
Clashes are emerging in areas across Syria due to the removal of ISIS. Struggle for power of the lands is occurring. Different groups of people want to rule the land where ISIS previously held control. Most of these fights are occurring across Shia and Sunni lines. is providing multiple links and articles to this story.
By the way, Iran is launching missiles into Syria near Deir Ez-Zor further south and east on the Euphrates River.
The situation in Syria is escalating…