Preflood: Genesis Introduction

Genesis 0 | Pre-Flood

Pre-Flood is the introductory film to the Genesis Documentary Study Series by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell. The film takes us on a journey into the pre-flood world of Genesis, where we examine the evidence of the pre-flood giants, and the Great Flood of Noah.

This film will lead the viewer through a paradigm-shifting visual odyssey, including the pre-flood world and the Garden of Eden.

Each film tells the story of events in a way rarely observed.

Preflood: Genesis Introduction

``As it Was in the Days of Noah . . . ``

Pre-Flood | Run-time: 2 hours and 28 minutes

Embark on a journey with Trey Smith into the pre-flood world of Noah. Pre-flood is a journey of science, mystery, prophecy, and dragons. This documentary is the introductory film for the Genesis Documentary Study Series by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell.

In this film we delve into the history of Genesis, focusing on Biblical history and accounts from the Apocrypha. Also, we will look at where they overlap and complement each other.  The viewer is left with a larger understanding of the origins and history of humanity, and our world.

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