HolyLand | Part 1
Join Trey Smith and rock legend, Rick Derringer as they tread where once Jesus and the apostles trod on a unique and unforgettable journey through the Holy Land. Part 1 of the Holy Land documentary.

Holy Land: Part 1 | Run-time: 1 hour and 30 minutes
A truly ground-breaking film in the history of God In A Nutshell, this film takes you on a journey through Israel in a way no other documentary can. Trey Smith and rock legend Rick Derringer (whose incredible testimony has been the driving force behind his recent Gospel album) go to sites such as Sodom and Gomorrah, The Sea of Galilee, and have real supernatural encounters along the way.
Riveting, high-quality footage captured by both Trey Smith and Lance Smith will make you feel as though you’re right there with them on their adventure—from the comfort of your couch.
Of all the Israel “tours” one can take — this is unique and special in new and exciting ways!
Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you the forgotten history of the majesty of God Himself at work
in this world He placed us in.
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