Theory of Everything

The Theory of Everything: Proof of God’s Grand Design

A science documentary for all those who seek satisfying answers to the universe’s biggest questions, this film provides proof, after proof, after proof—and then more proof on top of proof—of God’s Grand Design in the Universe, down to the subatomic particle.


The Theory of Everything: Proof of God’s Grand Design | Run-time: 2 hours and 45 minutes

The Theory of Everything: Proof of God’s Grand Design (on DVD) is an approximately 2 hour and 45-minute science documentary dedicated to all those who seek satisfying answers to the universe’s biggest questions:

Who are we? Where did we come from? What happens next?

This film provides proof, after proof, after proof—and then more proof on top of proof—of God’s Grand Design in the Universe, down to the very subatomic particle.  From the cells and DNA . . . to Quantum Physics and the stars . . . to the conscious mind . . . to time, space, matter, and dimensions the eyes can’t see.

Accordingly, this film disagrees (180 degrees) on most everything taught by the “academic clubhouse sciences”.

The Theory of Everything: Proof of God’s Grand Design is nearly 3 hours of point-by-point, easy, simple, and basic evidence from the cells to the stars that you are living in a dimensional creation designed by the very Hand, Word, and Breath of God Himself—compelling enough for the most inquisitive of minds, yet simple enough to captivate and engage younger viewers.

Theory of Everything

Theory of Everything

This film is also Trey’s first full-length documentary, so it is both a collector’s item, and a uniquely stylized presentation, packed from frame to frame with mind-blowing truths that are as profound in their implications for humanity as they are vast in their scope.

Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you films like this offering piercing analysis and discernment about these troubled times in which we live.

All glory goes to God alone! May He sustain and empower us to stand together for the truth against the principalities and powers of this present darkness in these troubled times.

May God use this film to bless and touch the lives of each and every one of you on the other side of the screen. 

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Theory of Everything

Theory of Everything: Proof of God’s Grand Design

Rated 0 out of 5
Original price was: $15.Current price is: $10.

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