Trump Versus Jackson: The Short Version

In this thought-provoking video, Trey Smith draws intriguing parallels between Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump, analyzing how the legacy of one president reflects in the other's approach to leadership and policy. Historical insights provide a background to Jackson's presidency and how it might be used to predict or understand Trump's...

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Trump vs. Jackson: Uncut

In this thought-provoking video, Trey Smith draws intriguing parallels between Andrew Jackson and Donald Trump, analyzing how the legacy of one president reflects in the other's approach to leadership and policy. Historical insights provide a background to Jackson's presidency and how it might be used to predict or understand Trump's...

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Athena: The Nashville Idol

The Athena Idol is located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee in a replica of the Greek Parthenon. This recreation of the Greek Parthenon was built in 1897. Many wonder what the Nashville Idol truly represents. Is it merely an extravagant homage to the ancient Republic of Greece that was a great...

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