Noah: The Complete Saga

Noah is a 3-hour and 30-minute unique journey with Trey Smith through the scientific and archeological evidence of Noah’s Ark, Noah’s global flood, the Tower of Babel, fallen angels, origin of demons, the pre-flood world, Nephilim, ancient giants, creation, the Garden of Eden, occultism in antiquity, Heaven, Hell . . . and even the dimensions between.


Noah: The Journey Begins and Ends | Run-time: 3 hours and 30 minutes

A breathtaking ride into the world of Noah, and a painstaking examination of the Great Deluge that brought it to an abrupt and cataclysmic end. Meticulously researched and presented, this film is a must-watch for those skeptical of the idea that the Genesis account of the Flood is indeed historical — as well as those seeking insights into what Jesus Christ Himself meant when He said, “As it was in the days of Noah, so also shall be in the day of the return of the Son of man . . .”

Stream this classic documentary today, and take a unique journey with Trey Smith through the scientific and archeological evidence of Noah’s Ark, Noah’s Global Flood, the Tower of Babel, fallen angels, origin of demons, pre-flood world, Nephilim, ancient giants, creation, Garden of Eden, Occult Wisdom Serpents, Heaven, Hell . . . and even the dimensions between.

But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD . . . +++ Genesis 6:8 +++

Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you films like this offering piercing analysis and discernment about these troubled times in which we live.

All glory goes to God alone! May He sustain and empower us to stand together for the truth against the principalities and powers of this present darkness in these troubled times.

May God use this film to bless and touch the lives of each and every one of you on the other side of the screen. 

Watch on Any Device or Buy the DVD!

Noah: the Journey beGins & eNds (2-Disc Set)

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From: Original price was: $25.Current price is: $20.

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