Johanna Michaelsen

[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Beautiful Side of Evil tells the story of Johanna Michaelsen’s involvement with the occult, yoga, Silva Mind Control,a well-known psychic surgeon in Mexico City, and her eventual rejections of all such practices.
Published by Harvest House in 1982, it has been translated into German, Dutch, French,Indonesian,Bulgarian, Polish, Chinese, Portuguese, Korean and Spanish.
Her second book, Like Lambs to the Slaughter: Your Child and the Occult, was a Final Nominee for the Gold Medallion Book Awards in 1990. Also a best seller, it clearly and extensively documents the invasion of occultism and dangerous religious practices into America’s public education system, movies,television, books, games, holidays and more.
ABOVE: One of the MOST intense Johanna Michaelsen lectures you will ever see. From GIN staff… enjoy.
It has served as an invaluable source of information for countless thousands of concerned parents, educators and pastors worldwide. Since Michaelsen’s exit from the occult in November of 1972, she has devoted her time to studying current trends and occult practices for the purpose of warning and equipping the church in these last days. Her books, tapes, audio-book, seminars, and lectures have helped thousands find freedom and peace in Jesus Christ.
In over 40 years of ministry, she has appeared on dozens of documentaries, radio and television shows, including “Janet Parshall’s America,” John Ankerberg, The 700 Club, TBN, Marlin Maddoux, Jack Van Impe, Phyllis Schlafly, the Oprah Winfrey Show, Sally Jesse Raphael, Hal Lindsey’s “Week in Review,” Pat Buchanan’s National Radio Show “Buchanan and Company,” Dr.Stan Monteith’s Radio Liberty, Walter Martin’s “The Bible Answer Man,” Frances Swaggart’s “Frances and Friends,” Constance Cumbey’s “My Perspective” on, “Love for the Truth Radio” with Cindy Hartline, “Understanding the Times” with Jan Markell, “Stand Up for the Truth” with Amy Spreeman and Mike LaMay,“His Channel Live” with Dan Wooding; “The Emergent Church “DVD for Concerned Nazarenes interview with John Loeffler, Caryl Matrisciana’s first documentary “Gods of the New Age,” and her latest 3 part DVD series on the emerging new Christianity entitled “Wide is the Gate.”
Johanna Michaelsen’s interview can be seen in the Entities “The Unveiling” Documentary
She has also spoken in churches across the country, as well as in the U.K.,Canada and Mexico.
Johanna holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in theatre from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and spent three years in post-graduate Biblical studies at the Jesus Christ Light and Power House and Christian Associates Seminary in Southern California. She and her beloved husband Randolph, Senior Pastor Emeritus of Torrance Crossroads Church in Torrance, California, were married in October of 1976.
They currently attend King’s Harbor Church in Torrance, California.
For more information on Johanna Michaelsen go to