Tag Archives: fiduciaries
Which Direction Are You Headed?
Author: Michael Douville
Every day 10,000 baby boomers will retire. Most of them have to go back to work in 10 years. The largest percentage of older people going back to work is the 75 and older group. You need to prepare now, don't let this happen to you.
Wells Fargo Downgraded
Author: Michael Douville
Michael talks about the Downgrading of Wells Fargo.
Better One Day Early Than One Day Late
Author: Michael Douville
The stock market is rising to new record levels but everything that goes up must come down. Make sure you aren't on the wrong side when it drops.
Contact Michael at michael@michaeldouville.com.
Check out Michael's new book by clicking HERE.
What’s Your Plan B?
Author: Michael Douville
Michael talks about the closures of Carillon and Sam's Club and asks if you have a Plan B. What would happen if your place of employment suddenly closed down?
Check out Michael's new book by clicking HERE.
Part 1: Riches to Rags
Author: Michael Douville
Below is Part 1 of the video testimony of Michael Douville. Continue watching to see how his story can help all of us live a better life.
Check out Michael's new book by clicking HERE.
Consider: Another Good Year For Real Estate
Author: Michael Douville
Consider these two items to change your investment thoughts: P/E ratios and Margin Debt! The Case Shiller P/E of 15.21 has been the average for years and years. It represents approximately a 6.6% annual total return of the S&P. As of January 8th, 2018, the Case Shiller P/E...
Signs of a Forming Top
Author: Michael Douville
Everything is Absolutely Awesome! Business is Great! The 2017 Christmas sales were a record according to Visa/MasterCard; (the fact that the Charge Card Companies have record sales is a sign in itself). Everyone extrapolates this feeling of Euphoria to continue next year and the years following; the Top...
Global Conglomerates Wobble!
Author: Michael Douville
Leverage is such a great tool! Borrow other people’s money and expand! With a little luck and a good business climate, expensive acquisitions can payoff hugely! Miscalculate and a highly leveraged business does not have the reserves to weather the resulting cash drain! Three Chinese Conglomerates: HNA, LeEco,...
Bitcoin Mania
Author: Michael Douville
It has taken almost 400 years, but according to Convoy Investments, Bitcoin has surpassed The Tulip Bulb Bubble, where even Sir Issac Newton lost his fortune, as the largest Financial Bubble in History. Everyone wants to get rich! Everyone wants to be part of this phenomenon. When queried, ...
Money Troubles Breed Very Bad Judgment
Author: Michael Douville
My Grandfather lived on a Farm in Minnesota. He grew his own vegetables and a raised a few chickens. He had a very limited Income, but had all of the money he needed. My Grandfather owned his Farm, did not have a credit card, nor a HELOC (Home...