Tag Archives: Global Economy
Bitcoin Mania
Author: Michael Douville
It has taken almost 400 years, but according to Convoy Investments, Bitcoin has surpassed The Tulip Bulb Bubble, where even Sir Issac Newton lost his fortune, as the largest Financial Bubble in History. Everyone wants to get rich! Everyone wants to be part of this phenomenon. When queried, ...
Money Troubles Breed Very Bad Judgment
Author: Michael Douville
My Grandfather lived on a Farm in Minnesota. He grew his own vegetables and a raised a few chickens. He had a very limited Income, but had all of the money he needed. My Grandfather owned his Farm, did not have a credit card, nor a HELOC (Home...
Homelessness is Rising in America
Author: Michael Douville
Homelessness is rising in America. It is going to be worse; much worse. Over 400 “Tent Camps’ have sprung up in the Seattle Area, people are sleeping along walkways, under overpasses, and throughout urban parks; anywhere that might offer a degree of shelter and safety. Over 168,000 people...
Time to Preserve your Wealth
Author: Michael Douville
“Timing; it is all about Timing!” “ Know when to get off!” “There are times to be aggressive and times to be cautious!” “It is not what you make, but what you keep that Counts” “Trees do not grow to the sky!” These adages are especially true today...