Hillary: Queen of the Flies
This documentary delves into Bogus Polls, Rigged Polls, and the Clinton Election Rigging story.
In the Hillary Clinton, Clinton Halloween Election Rigging, Poll Rigging & Fake Poll documentary we examine and take the journey into the dark underworld that is the Clintons.

The most occult video on the Clintons you will ever see . . .
Hillary: Queen of the Flies | Run-time: 30 minutes
Election fraud, election rigging, and poll rigging, particularly since inception of electronic voting machines has been more rampant than most realize. Of course, it is highly speculated (believed) that Hillary Clinton could / would seek election rigging through this — and a variety of other facets we discuss. Also, many of the Clinton emails, the emails which were released by Wikileaks (“Wikileaks Clinton emails”) are explored in this Hillary Clinton election rigging documentary. The Wikileaks Clinton emails seem to show the intent to rig just about everything in government by the Clintons. However, some of the especially dark “Clinton Wikileaks emails” are examined, and tied together more closely, in this documentary than probably most (if not all) other Clinton Wikileaks email videos you will find available. Hillary Clinton election Rigging and Clinton Wikileaks emails: Because there are thousands of these “dirty” Wikileaks Hillary Clinton emails; it has actually been a benefit — in some sense — to Hillary Clinton… as it is just such a vast amount of materials, with so little time. It has taken hundreds upon hundreds of research & compiling hours, under a crunch for time, to produce this Hillary Election Rigging documentary and presentation. For that reason, it is likely not as polished as other documentary productions by God in a Nutshell. However, we are proud to lay the Hillary Clinton Election Rigging Documentary into your hands.
Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you films like this offering piercing analysis and discernment about these troubled times in which we live.
All glory goes to God alone! May He sustain and empower us to stand together for the truth against the principalities and powers of this present darkness in these troubled times.
May God use this film to bless and touch the lives of each and every one of you on the other side of the screen.
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