Trump Prophecy

Prophecy of Trump: The Coming Landslide

The original Trump Prophecy film by Trey Smith. This film was made prior to the first election of Donald Trump in 2016. Moreover, it was first released on Youtube prior to Trump even being declared the Republican nominee. And, took several months to make even before it was released. It is seemingly far more prophetic today than even on the day of its release. We lay that in your hands.

Trump Prophecy

A prophecy film unlike anything you've ever seen . . .

The original Trump Prophecy film by Trey Smith. This film was made prior to the first election of Donald Trump in 2016. Moreover, it was first released on YouTube prior to Trump even being declared the Republican nominee. And, it took several months to produce before then. It is seemingly far more prophetic today than even on the day of its release. We lay that in your hands.

Trump Prophecy: The Story Behind It

In 2016 most “prophetic” commentators were speculating that Hillary Clinton would be the next President of the United States. They believed an uncertain doom lie ahead in a very real way.

Most of these views were not really “prophectic” in any sense. It was the distinct impression gained from the nightly news, the direction of the nation and fear of Hillary Clinton (and what she may be capable of.) These are—and were—very practical concerns.

However, in that same time-frame, I (Trey Smith) began, over and over, watching a grainy old Kim Clement tape. It almost felt like the tape was calling me. A very strange feeling. I just kept watching it over and over.

I had not really thought of Kim Clement in many years.

He  had given me a prophecy when I was 16, or maybe 17. It was about what he called: “the Joseph Period.”

Anyhow, I felt so strongly in my spirit that this film had to be made at that time that I worked day and night on it until it was done.

Then, many I showed it to told me it would destroy everything I had worked on if I put it up. That the tape would make me look like a fool.

I uploaded it anyway.

On the morning of the 2016 election the news medias (including conservative) claimed that the odds against Trump were 90% in favor of Hillary.

Later that same night it was announced Trump had won.

This was against all odds, just as Kim Clement had said.

Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you films like this offering piercing analysis and discernment about these troubled times in which we live.

All glory goes to God alone! May He sustain and empower us to stand together for the truth against the principalities and powers of this present darkness in these troubled times.

May God use this film to bless and touch the lives of each and every one of you on the other side of the screen. 

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Trump Prophecy

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