Who do you worship?
Author: Maria Azcapri
In God’s name! Because, if your name is Peter and I call you Pedro, would you say, I am your loving son?
Why is it that people tend to excuse themselves by saying, naaah, I do not read the Bible because it all depends on each one’s interpretation. Or, it is impossible to get somewhere when you discuss religion. In reality, often, people do not listen to understand, but to answer.
I mean, you shall not kill, signifies, you shall not kill, period.
It sure seems as if God´s language, would be super mega infra difficult to understand, people tend to believe, the Scriptures are boring and a motive to fight between individuals. Under “irreconcilable differences” they close their minds, as if they dare to open it, their thoughts would flee away…
Abba Father knew His Word was going to be corrupted, He was aware the enemy would take out and add in to it. It is outstanding the many times He refers about His Name, He knew it was to be perverted, He knew they would try to change The Way. Still, His Word gives one message, and His Name is one, no matter what.
Did He make clear of the weightiness of a simple word and the magnitude of a Name? The perennial of His Word? Yes, He did. Bible persecutors die, and The Word lives forever!! Could He then, not thought, about giving us an easy way to comprehend? Would it be possible that a little detail, like that one, could’ve just be missed by Him, slipped away? Was He trying to create confusion? I don’t think so.
Most of the Hebrew Bible was written in Hebrew, including all of the Torah, the first five books of the Bible. But around 250 Bible verses (of a total of 23,000)—primarily portions of the Book of Daniel (Dan 2:4-7:28) and fifth-century B.C.E. official court documents embedded in Ezra (Ezra 4:8-6:18, Ezra 7:12-26)—are in a related language, Aramaic. At different times in history, Aramaic transformed from an international language that united people living in different parts of the Assyrian Empire, to the dominant language of Jews living in the Babylonian captivity, to the official language of the western half of the Persian Empire (500 B.C.E.).
Hebrew was the original language of the Israelites. Hebrew is a Semitic language. The word Semitic comes from the name Shem, named in Genesis (6:10) as the son of Noah, whose descendants lived in the Middle East. Phoenician, Hebrew, Aramaic, Syriac, and Arabic are all examples of Semitic languages.
Biblical Hebrew contains 22 letters, as noted in Psalm 119, all of which are consonants. The alphabet and language remained pure until the Babylonian Exile in 587 BC, when, following the destruction of the Temple of Solomon, spoken Hebrew came under the influence of other languages, particularly Aramaic. Aramaic became the prevailing language, or “lingua franca” of the entire Middle East from about 700 BC through the time of Christ. Because of the Dispersion of the people of Israel to Babylon and Egypt, knowledge of pre-exilic texts was dependent on oral tradition. This occasionally gave rise to an ambiguity of interpretation for a text written purely in consonants.
The Hebrew language adopted the square script alphabet of Imperial Aramaic, known as Ketav Ashuri. Tradition holds that Ezra adopted the Aramaic square script alphabet in place of the Paleo-Hebrew alphabet during the post-exilic Restoration of Israel in the fifth century BC. As the Aramaic alphabet became the Hebrew alephbet, Hebrew papyri and parchments were then primarily written in Aramaic script. The Paleo-Hebrew alphabet has persisted to the present day solely with the Samaritans. The Biblical Hebrew text available to us today is thus written in the Hebrew language with the adopted Imperial Aramaic alephbet.
What is the Otiot?
The word “Otiot” is Hebrew for “signs”.
It has been argued that they originated from the two stone tablets that Elohim gave to Mosheh (Moses).
Interestingly, according to the book of Exodus 31:18 “When He had finished speaking to Mosheh on Mount Sinai, He gave him the two tablets of the Testimony, the tablets of stone inscribed by the finger of Elohim”. The tablets were the work of God; the writing was the writing of Elohim, engraved on the tablets.”
These Signs, were also precursors to the Hebrew and Aramaic scripts, yet direct comparisons have been made to the descriptions of each character – both in Hebrew, and the earlier Otiot.
The Otiot is considered, by a growing number of people, not only symbols written by Elohim’s own hand – but also to have a direct relationship with Him.
How could an intimate, direct relationship, can occur, among two individuals, when the one knows even the number of the hairs in the other’s head, and the other, doesn’t even know the other one’s Name…
Matthew 10:30, Luke 12:7
But the very hairs of your head are all numbered.
How many times in your Bible does your Mighty One, your God, speak about the importance of His Name?
You will be hated because of My Name. Do not misuse My Name. Honor My Name. A House for My Name. Salvation, forgiveness, through My Name, and… no other Name… Hallowed by thy Name!!!
Psalm 23:3 He refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for His Name’s sake.
Would you say Jesus, knowing by now, that the letter “J” was inserted in the Alphabet Centuries after His birth? What about Iesus?
Would you say Jehovah?
Or would you say Jesus Christ?
Modern Hebrew:
Awe-inspiring, is not a synonym of difficultness. As easy as a child drawing, the Otiot:
“If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.”
This is a reproduction list, with teachings about names, available on Alan Horvath’s Youtube and/or Vimeo Channel. You can as well, visit his page.
And, how to worship:
Info taken from:
Alan Horvath’s studies.
What is The Otiot,