Genesis part I: Garments of the Garden of God

There are two copies of the full film on this page. If either gives bandwidth issues, simply use the other. Enjoy the film. ~trey
Genesis part I: Garments of the Garden of God
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Genesis: Garments from the Garden of God is part one of a multiple documentary series which will go all the way through the Garden of Eden, Nimrod, and to the other side of the Exodus.
Each film will tell a story of these events in a way rarely covered, combined with evidence, of the beginning of our world.
The first film, roughly two hours in length, is available for partners of the God in a Nutshell project. You can become a partner with us at: Partners (
It is my hope to deliver one of these in full length every month, or so. The films are an incredible amount of effort so please allow me, and us, a little room to make them each beyond expectation which may take more than a month from time-to-time.
I would like them to really stand out in history in terms of presentations of the Genesis and the Exodus accounts.
Each film, beginning with this one, draws heavily on the set of books which we released (PreFlood, Nimrod and Exodus) in early 2020. Those sets of books are found here: Exodus Revelation by author Trey Smith and the God in a Nutshell project
In Genesis 3 in the Garden of Eden and at the exact place of the fall of man beginning in verse one it reads:
1 Now the serpent (Nachash נָחָשׁ) was more crafty than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”
The word for “serpent” in that passage is: Nachash.
Nachash, like many words in English, can be used as a noun, a verb or an adjective.
- As a noun, it means serpent.
- As a verb, it means to divine; the nachash means the diviner.
- As an adjective, it means shining; the nachash means the shining one.
If we return to the beginning of the passage of Genesis 3 in that Garden of Eden with that Nachash at the fall of man we read again:
1 Now the serpent (Nachash נָחָשׁ) was more crafty (Arum עָרוּם) than any beast of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden?’”
Now the word Arum עָרוּם in the context of the serpent (nachash) means cunning, crafty and deceptive. But yet, just a few passages later, the same word, Arum עָרוּם, takes on its different meaning for the word “naked.”
In short, what you are reading in Genesis 3 is that mankind had taken on a property of the serpent.
It is this concept which begins our journey in the first part of this large scale documentary series.
So, it is at the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden that God Himself does the first sacrifice. Something would literally have to give it life, give its skins, for the covering of sin.
Now, in the last verse (verse 24) God places Cherubim and a flaming sword ~ a sword represents the “Truth” ~ to block the “Way” to the “Tree of Life.”
Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man cometh before the Father except by me.”
Enjoy the film and the ride.
Trey Smith
God in a Nutshell project
I am providing beneath some of the images from these films. Most God in a Nutshell films over the years have required the production of many, many materials. I have provided brief descriptions of the images, and also lay them in your hands as you may find things in them that are even beyond us here.
You are welcome to use them in whatever way you like.
Garden of Eden Nachash to modern day
In ancient Sumer, later called Babylon, we find Inanna and Ishtar ~ essentially interchangeable as they are indeed imagery believed to be of the same historical person.
Inanna is an ancient Mesopotamian goddess associated with love, beauty, sex, war, justice and political power. She was originally worshiped in Sumer under the name “Inanna”, and was later worshipped by the Akkadians, Babylonians, and Assyrians under the name Ishtar. She was known as the “Queen of Heaven” and was the patron goddess of the Eanna temple at the city of Uruk.
Beneath is a side by side comparison of Inanna and Ishtar.
These deified goddesses of the ancient past are (likely) derived from an actual woman that lived in the beginning days following the flood. Inanna is the consort of Dumazid (modernly called “Tammuz”) and the wife of Enmerkar (modernly called the Biblical “Nimrod”); and commonly also called the wife of the “sun god” Utu (who we may later find has connection to the Biblical son of Noah, Ham).
Whatever the case, we do have a word in modern English (that I won’t mention here) for a woman who is everyone’s wife and consort?
Beneath is one of the images of Inanna from the film.
The stars seen in the imagery are the symbol of Inanna or Ishtar in the ancient world. Stars are also used commonly in Biblical imagery as the symbolism for angels.
Beneath is an image if Ishtar.
She is seen with her owls feet. This places her in the category, if we accept the words of Enoch, as one claiming to have bound herself to “angels who went astray.”
Tiamat: The Ancient Serpent
The Tiamat is one of the “creator gods” of the Sumerians. She is referred to as a woman, and also described as “the glistening and shining one.”
In the Enûma Elish, or the seven tablets of the Babylonian epic of creation, it says this:
The “gods” assembled within her, Tiamat.
she spawned monster-serpents,
Sharp of tooth, and merciless of fang;
With poison, instead of blood, she filled their bodies.
Fierce monster-vipers she clothed with terror,She birthed vipers and dragons, and the monster Lahamu,
and the raging hounds, and the scorpion-man,
And mighty tempests, and the fish-man (dagon), and rams;and the hairy hero (Enkidu/Tammuz)
They bore cruel weapons, without fear of the fight.
Her commands were mighty, none could resist them;
After this fashion, huge of stature, she made all kinds of monsters.Among the gods who were her sons, inasmuch as he had given her support,
She exalted Kingu; in their midst she raised him to power.
To march before the forces, to lead the host,I have uttered thy spell, in the assembly of the gods I have raised thee to power.
The dominion over all the gods have I entrusted unto him.Be thou exalted, thou my chosen spouse (Marduk/Nibiru/Jupiter)
May they magnify thy name over all of them the Anunnaki.”She gave him the Tablets of Destiny, on his breast she laid them, saying:
Thy command shall not be without avail, and the word of thy mouth shall be established.”
Now Kingu, thus exalted, having received the power of Anu,
Above is merely an excerpt from Tablet One.
The text literally goes on and on about the first order of business being the establishment of demons as gods, and that men shall worship them. It essentially is giant homage to the “bright shiny one god/goddess serpent” creator of demons; birthing her new race within a race.
The text seems to also have made its way into numerous sections of the Egyptian Book of the Dead which certainly becomes a topic of interest as we make our way towards the Exodus account.
The Tiamat is also strangely similar to the shining serpent shape of the Vatican Cathedral in our modern age.
Now, speaking of serpents and dragons and Tiamat the serpent’s love for them: We find many depictions in ancient Sumer of what appear to be dinosaurs in that time.
The dinosaurs we see on the depictions are much smaller in scale than what we see in the fossil record. But, that should not come as surprising as we find dragonflies in fossils that have 3 foot wingspans, and of course the elephants of the ancient world were Mammoths.
The running joke used to be that that the gas and oil with which we drive our cars came from dead dinosaurs ~ thus the logo of the Sinclair gas stations.
However, oil deposits are enormous pockets of biological material crushed underground with massive heat and pressure; entire giant ecological systems swallowed in earth and stone.
This would require a catastrophe large enough to create what we call today: The Fossil Record.
Accordingly, dinosaurs are commonly found in what is known as the “Death Pose.” In short, they appear to have been drowning, gasping for air….. and then trapped in earth…. massive amounts of them.
Sir Richard Owens was the first to coin the term dinosaur, or dinosauria. The word means “terrible lizard” just as the term dragon did in the ancient world. Dragons are covered in most all truly ancient literature beginning in ancient Sumer.
Sir Richard Owen spent his life fighting the Theories of Charles Darwin. Today, his word dinosaur is used as the “evidence” for Darwin’s Theories.
Owen is pictured above with the skeleton of an ancient Moa; a giant version of our modern Ostrich. Beside him is a strange fossil of an ancient snake with legs.
Above are carbon dating tests done on dinosaurs which were censored in US Universities.
As you can see, dinosaurs are all teeming with C-14 and generally fall in the rage between 20 and 40 thousand years on the carbon tests. This is is the redundant result at this point in history by the way.
It is my belief that the reason dinosaurs and Mammoths and even plants in fossil record all date in this rage is because of the different atmospheric conditions of the time they lived. In short, if you had more carbon in the air at that time you will have larger number on your carbon test in this time. To some degree that would seem self-evident as the creatures and plants themselves are going to require far different atmospheric conditions to survive at all.
Whatever the case, I do not believe in censoring science data; even if some don’t like what it says. Therefore I lay these censored results of dinosaur carbon dating in your hands.
The actual evidence on our planet could easily lead one to believe that the ancient past was Garden of Eden style entire world before that flood. Moreover, the evidence of the flood could actually be said to be the entire surface of the planet itself.
A step further, both ancient and modern Hebrew contain properties much our language of science.
For example: If I say H2O you know I mean: Water. Two parts Hydrogen and one part Oxygen. Accordingly, if I say Adam in Hebrew (אדם) it is comprised of symbols that all have a meaning both separately and as one.
This is the word Adam in modern Hebrew: אדם
Adam (אדם) means man. But, the root of the word is derived from the parent דם (dam) meaning, “blood.” By placing the letter א (Alef meaning God and from where we get the English letter “A” which starts both alphabets) the word Adam is formed. So, adding the symbol for God, the Alef (א) to the symbol for blood (דם) ~ this is a man formed brought to life by blood given by God Himself. Further, the Hebrew word (adamah) is the feminine form of אדם meaning “ground” – where the man was taken and formed from.
The word literally is God’s science description.
In Genesis One we read:
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
3 And God said, “Let there be light,”
Now, the word for “Light” in Genesis 1:3 is spelled “(א) Alef (ו) Vav (ר) Resh ”
(Remember, Hebrew is written from right to left)
So a diagram for this word “Light” could be:
Now, to get the word “Skins” we simply change the “Alef” starting the word “Light” to the “Ayin.”
It is no longer “God working through the mind of man” but the “Ayin” (which can be light or dark – like the good or evil of the Two Trees) that is working through the mind of man.
God bless all of you.
Thank you for supporting the God in a Nutshell project in allowing us to bring you the forgotten histtory of the majesty of God Himself and this world He placed us in.
Enjoy the film. More to come.
Trey Smith