Living Fossils

Author: Tony Laurich
This article is just an overview on some of the fossils which evolutionists have used to date the earth that have been found alive. This topic is not new to many on this website; nor should it be, considering the depth at which Trey Smith has covered it. However, I find it a good tool when either reassuring your own faith or convincing someone of the folly that evolution is. Hopefully some of you will find use of this information for God when debating intellectuals.
For those who do not know, an index fossil is one in which evolutionists use to date other fossils and rocks(strata) into time periods. This is how it works in brief: if I were to find some fossilized bone, and I could not find out it’s age through carbon dating or other methods to my satisfaction. I would look for fossils in the same strata that I know the age of. If I found a grey wolf within the same strata as the bone I would know the bone is between 38,000 b.c. to present. But if there was a graptolite, I would assume that the bone is at least around 315,000,000 years old (depending on the species). That is at least how the theory goes.
The problem is: if we found a graptolite living today there would be no way to ascertain that it went extinct 315mya (million years ago). This means that our bone could be anywhere from 315mya to present. That would throw a dinosaur sized wrench in the theory of evolution.
Before we get started I would like to point out an interesting trend I found while doing the research. On every account the evolutionists have taken the term living fossil and perverted it to mean “long enduring or resembling ancient species” (paraphrase). I and many other Young Earth Creationists use the term to mean, “they were thought to be extinct for millions of years, yet they were found alive”. So when you are talking to an evolutionist I would caution against the term “living fossil” as it can cause a confusion in definition
Here are just some of the many accounts.
Index: 545mya – 315mya
Used to date: Paleozoic
Found alive: New Caledonia, 1992
By: Noel Dilly
Source: Discover Magazine July issue 1993
Interesting fact: Still used as an index fossil.

Index: 490mya-66mya
Used to date: Devonian- Cretaceous
Found Alive: South Africa, 1938
By: Miss Marjorie Courtenay-Latimer
Source: Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
Article: The Coelacanth: More Living than Fossil

Monito Del Monte
Index: 40mya
Used to date: Eocene
Found Alive: Chile, very recent but cannot find exact year
By: Unknown
Source Encyclopedia of Britannica: Monito Del Monte
Interesting fact: It is a marsupial (any time someone asks how all the marsupials moved to Australia off of Noah’s ark. Tell them that one lives in South America, also, a version of Opossum in North America is also a marsupial.)

Monito Del Monte
Index: 20mya-15mya
Used to date: Meocene
Found Alive: Northern South America, 2006
By: Unknown
Source Genus:Gracilidris

Index: 20mya-15mya
Used to date: Meocene
Found Alive: Australia, 1995
By: Unknown
Source Australian Govt. Dep. of the Environment and Energy

Laonastes aenigmamus
Index: 11mya
Used to date: Miocene
Found Alive: Thakhek, Khammouan, 1996 By: Unknown Source: The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Interesting fact: It was found in a local market being sold as meat

Laonastes Aenigmamus
Index: 180mya-50mya
Used to date: Mesozoic-Eocene
Found Alive: China, in 1944,
By: Zhan Wang
Source:Missouri Botanical Garden

Index: 380mya
Used to date: Devonian
Found alive: Costa Rica, 1952
By: Unknown
Source: University of California Museum of Paleontology
Interesting fact: Since the discovery 20 more “extinct species” have been found

Index: 200mya-90mya
Used to date: Triassic-Cretaceous
Found Alive: Wollemi National Park, 1994
By: David Nobel
Source: Wellomipine

These are just some of the many. The interesting trend with every account whether listed or unlisted on this article is the lack of Evolution. For instance, the Coelacanth has gone 490 million years without one adaptation. It has no new fins, gills, arms, feet, organs, etc. Yet it supposedly took 360 million years for us to go from fish to primates. Many evolutionist say that “living fossils” have found a niche for them that works, and they do not need to evolve anymore. However, this is contradictory to the theory of evolution. Evolution is supposed to happen when the DNA mutates by repeating nucleotides: suggesting it is unguided. If evolution is unguided by the process of repeating of nucleotides. How is it that the coelacanth has had 0 repeats in 490 million years while humans have had more than there are stars?
Source: Sept. 30, 2014, Royal Society Open Science, (Scientific Journal)
Author: Tony Laurich
Tony Laurich was born into a Mormon family and sealed in the temple at age 8, the same year he was baptized into the Mormon church. Due to questioning of the Mormon doctrine and youth culture he quickly became an atheist by his teenage years. This atheist belief would peruse until his final year of high school when he tried to sell his soul to Satan and ended up having a spiritual experience. Through the grace of God, a local teacher and pastor was able to help him come to Christ and ask for forgiveness. Today he spends most days either entertaining his brains whims by researching obscure things or working part time in the field of construction.