Tag Archives: Ephesians 1
Straight Talk, Tag You’re It!!! Featuring Rodna Epley
The Kingdom of Heaven is a Family first, and then a Family Glory Business with an open-door policy allowing anyone in who agrees to put on proper shoes (Ephesians 6:5 Slaves, be obedient to those who are your masters...
Straight Talk… Understanding the Trinity, Rodna Epley
Scripture reveals each member of the Trinity to a New Covenant believer in this same order. Jesus (Wisdom), the Holy Spirit (Revelation), then the Father (Knowledge of the Glory).
God is “One” because of His glory. It’s all the...
Love Is The Answer…Featuring Paul Beverly
Got a much needed visit with a good friend last night & we were talking about how it can seem the world wants to keep knocking us down. It’s a fact that there are people that won’t want you...