Tag Archives: Turkey.
Russia & Turkey Broker Cease Fire in Libya
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Turkish President Recep Erdogan have announced a cease fire in Libya effective 00:00 (midnight) on January 12, 2020.
Libya Invites Turkish Troops
Libya’s Government of National Accord (GNA) has requested Turkey’s military support.
Turkey Launches Operation Peace Spring, October 2019
Turkey has begun to move forces into northern Syria to remove Kurds from the region. Turkey has coined the term Operation Peace Spring.
Turkey’s President Erdogan Wants Nuclear Weapons
Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan discussed his need for nuclear weapons.
International Economics and Bible Prophecy
Michael Douville and Paul Lehr discuss international economics and how it lines up with Biblical Prophecy.
Trump Agrees to Withdraw Troops from Syria
President Donald Trump has indicated the United States will withdraw US troops from northern Syria.
Turkey Begins Filling Ilisu Dam
Turkey’s President Recep Erdogan has issued the order to begin filling the Ilisu Dam. This dam will withhold the waters of the Tigris River.
Is Turkey the “Catalyst” that Breaks the World?
The Globe is slowing so quickly that the World may be entering a period of vulnerability to a sudden downdraft.
Israel, Greece, and Cyprus Participate in Gas Summit, March 2019
Prophetic Implications: Another large natural gas deposit has been discovered in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near Cyprus.
Putin, Erdogan, Rouhani Meet in Sochi
Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted his allies of Turkey and Iran in Sochi, Russia. The topic was peace and security in Syria.