Nimrod: The True Story of the Tower of Babel

An engrossing and thought-provoking film study that delves into the captivating story of Nimrod and the Tower of Babel as recorded in the books of Genesis and Jasher. In this approximately one-hour exploration of this timeless subject, acclaimed researcher and filmmaker Trey Smith presents a convincing case supporting the notion...

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Genesis: Is it Real?

Genesis: Is It Real?

Genesis: Is It Real? | Run-time: 1 hour 1 minute Genesis: Is It Real? is an oddly good free film by God in a Nutshell on the Book of Genesis. This short documentary could be viewed like an introduction to the introduction of the Genesis series. The Book of Genesis is likely the most...

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Preflood: Genesis Introduction

Genesis 0 | Pre-Flood

Pre-Flood | Run-time: 2 hours and 28 minutes Embark on a journey with Trey Smith into the pre-flood world of Noah. Pre-flood is a journey of science, mystery, prophecy, and dragons. This documentary is the introductory film for the Genesis Documentary Study Series by Trey Smith and God in a Nutshell. In...

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Eden: The Garden of Eden

Genesis I | Eden: Garden of God

Eden: Garden of God | Run-time: 2 hours and 24 minutes Eden: Garden of God is part one the Genesis documentary study series that will ultimately go all the way through the Exodus. The Genesis series of films pair well with these companion books by Trey Smith: Pre-Flood, Nimrod, and Exodus. The sets...

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Nachash: Seed of the Serpent

Genesis II | Nachash: Seed of the Serpent

Nachash: Seed of the Serpent | Run-time: 2 hours and 25 minutes Nachash: Seed of the Serpent is part two of the Genesis study series from God in a Nutshell. Join Trey Smith as he examines the identity of the serpent, or "Nachash," which we read about in Genesis. The viewer is taken...

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Sumerian: Secrets on Sumerian Tablets

Genesis III | Secrets of Sumerian Stones

Secrets of Sumerian Stones | Run-time: 2 hours and 15 minutes Secrets of Sumerian Stones is part three of the extensive Genesis Documentary Study Series by Trey Smith. In this film, we begin an examination of the Sumerian texts, including how they point toward the Biblical account of Genesis, directly following the...

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Nimrod: Tower of Babel

Genesis IV | Nimrod: The Tower of Babel

The fertile crescent, often referred to as "the cradle of civilization" is a rather mysterious and debated place.  What was undoubtedly once a lush and beautiful region is now little more than a desolate desert . . . and yet the ancients speak of the existence of civilization once there...

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Genesis V | Signs

Signs | Run-time: 2 hours and 33 minutes Signs is a journey into ancient signs, symbols and legends leading to the mystery religions of this modern age. Signs is also called "Signs, Symbols & Legends." The film Signs is a deep dive into the origins of some of the most timeless yet mysterious...

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Vav Part One

Genesis VI | Vav Part One

The Vav: Part 1  | Run-time: 2 hours and 17 minutes The Vav is the Sixth section of the Genesis Documentary Study series by Trey Smith and the God in a Nutshell project. The Vav is also the sixth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet. In this first part of the Vav we...

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Vav Extended

Genesis VI | Vav Part One Extended

The Vav: Part One (Extended Edition) | Run-time: 3 hours and 14 minutes The Vav: Part One (Extended Edition) This is the same film as the standard The Vav: Part One, only roughly an hour longer. The Vav: Part One was edited down to what is commonly the motion picture range of...

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