News, Prophecy, Trey Articles, Trey Stuff

5777: God’s Definition is Different than Man’s

The interpretation of prosper, prosper, and prosper even more….. could (DOES) mean something larger than a man-based “earth dweller” mindset…… or the economy improving — though it could (or could not) also include that? (IMPORTANT) This year (NOW on HEBREW calendar) is 5777. The number “5” means Grace,  or “Age of Grace” or “Church Age”…. 7’s mean completion. God’s definition of “prosper” and an “earth-dweller” man-based definition are two distinctly DIFFERENT things….. From the eagle’s nest of God’s Word these numbers mean something of INTENSE SPIRITUAL SIGNIFICANCE <—- That applies, as I’ve made clear in the video, no matter who wins the election.
You have two things happening 1) voices from those seeking the Lord who feel — as I do — that “God’s Heart” (as ALWAYS) is to “prosper and love on His children” in EVERY possible sense. The condition for that is 2 Chronicles 7:14 <—- However 2) (MOST CRITICALLY IMPORTANT): Is God’s Word set in stone <— these are fixed and immovable (no matter who wins our “man-based” elections).
I had really wanted to make the video (Trump Prophecy) 2 hours long as there was so much I felt a need to cover…. also little cute things —> like “Trump/Pence” making the sound “Trumpets” when pronounced, etc….
However, I feel now there really needed to do a “stand-alone” one hour follow-up which will hold greatly more precision after it is set in stone whether we — as a people — have chosen Hillary…. Or, Lord willing, if we should get Trump……
NOTE: Christian pastors who are speaking against a man (an imperfect man) who is supporting Israel, who is fighting for freedom, who is fighting for your very right to tell people about Jesus —> I AM HIGHLY CONCERNED that we have Christian pastors doing this. Here is an article I spent much time praying and going before the Lord about yesterday (I HIGHLY RECOMMEND YOUR TIME BE VALUABLE ENOUGH TO CONSIDER THIS ARTICLE): or click here
[youtube_sc url=”” fs=”1″]
No-matter-the-case, what is shaping in Syria, in Saudi Arabia, and ESPECIALLY now RUSSIA…. These eerily meet (not with words from men) but with events seemingly described in pages of prophecy from the very Word of God…..
Here is what I am saying….
A storm is brewing on the HORIZON.
Whoever is our NEXT US president will appear to be dealing — nearly IMMEDIATELY — with issues that are, shall we say, of Biblical proportion….
A next God in a Nutshell update video will be dealing with this — following (at some point) this HISTORIC ELECTION.
God bless all of you,
Trey Smith

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