Tisha B`Av, 9th of Av, 5779/2019
The 9th of Av is a day of mourning in Israel. Tragedy came about because of the account of Numbers 13-14.
Ancient Ziklag and Lachish Discoveries
Recent discoveries in Lachish and Ziklag align with the Biblical narrative and texts.
Sanhedrin Looks to Davidic Kingdom
The modern day Sanhedrin has recently released a new coin honoring the Davidic Kingdom. The Sanhedrin is looking to re establish the line of Israel’s ancient King David.
Middle East Super Highway
There will come a time when there will be a public road that connects Africa to the Middle East.
Activity Heating Up in the Persian Gulf
Iran is getting more cozy with Russia when it comes to military ties. With activity increasing in the Persian Gulf, Russia and Iran are planning military exercises.
Passover Sacrifice 5779/2019
See the pictures from the Passover Sacrifice in the Old City of Jerusalem. Levitical priests (kohanim) performed the ceremony.
Ancient Chorazin Discovery
An archeological dig in northern Israel has resulted in the discovery of a winepress with mosaic tile. The find is located in the Korazim National Park.
Nathan-Melech, Servant to King Josiah
City of David, Israel: Excavations continue south of the Temple Mount in the greater Jerusalem area. The specific location is the Givati Parking Lot.
Israel, Greece, and Cyprus Participate in Gas Summit, March 2019
Prophetic Implications: Another large natural gas deposit has been discovered in the eastern Mediterranean Sea near Cyprus.
Red Heifer Update, March 2019
There are two potential red heifers which may be candidates for sacrifice.