Old Testament
The Vav: Its Meaning and Significance | Part 2
The Vav: Its Meaning and Significance | Part 1
Gabriel: Jesus Is Coming
The same promise Gabriel made to Mary over 2,000 years ago is true for us today. Jesus is coming.
Gabriel Visits a Virgin
The Child to be born of the virgin Mary is of the line of David.
The Birth of Christ and Taxes, God’s Will
Yes, God can use the payment of taxes to fulfill His Word and His will.
Cherubim & Wheels Working Together
The individual cherub and its wheel move together where ever they go.
Ezekiel’s Whirling Wheels
These are Ezekiel’s whirling wheels. These creatures come from visions on the Kebar River which is in modern day eastern Syria.
Four Living Creatures
The living creatures have no name. There is nothing else like these four entities described in Scripture.
Cherubim: Subject to the LORD
So what is the big deal, cherubim are subjected to God their creator? In general this is not a problem, except for one…