Dinosaur Soft Tissue: Understanding Why Dinosaurs are Young
Dinosaur Soft Tissue: Understanding Why Dinosaurs are Young
Dinosaurs are proven young in now a vast variety of ways. Pretty much, any scientific angle you approach dinosaurs from you are going to find piles, and piles, and piles, and more piles on top of piles of evidence that dinosaurs are not just young . . . but very, very, very young. All dinosaurs. In these journals, we are going to take a basic look at merely the tip-of-the-iceberg of that evidence. Though the top spokespeople for the academic / evolution community assure me that all this evidence is “nonsense” and probably “stuff I shouldn’t be looking at”.
I disagree, and lay it in your hands to decide. In fact, the evidence for dinosaurs being young has built up to a point where many Christians and also those in basic, real-world, practical application Sciences call them, “Missionary Lizards.”
1) Dinosaur Soft Tissue, Blood, Blood Vessels, Veins….. and even DNA
First, and probably the most obvious, is dinosaur soft-tissue. Dinosaur soft-tissue is now found all over the globe—and has been growing in finds for decades. In fact, even the Archaeopteryx (which many in the evolution circles claimed was the “absolute evidence dinosaurs turned into birds”) has now been discovered to have soft-tissue in it (meaning it’s young too). Beneath is the first find to have made national news, though certainly not the first time soft-tissue has been found in dinosaurs bones.
These actual and real images of T-Rex soft tissue, blood and blood vessels shown above were discovered by a team in Montana led by Jack Horner (the original Jurassic Park movie’s technical advisor). And, Jack Horner is also the same man who promoted the idea that “dinosaurs turned into birds” to the evolution community. What is interesting about this is that Jack Horner, who himself believed (at least at that time) that dinosaurs were truly millions and millions of years old — received much heat and anger from the evolutionary academics.
This rage of angry letters and such appears based solely and entirely on the fact that he dared release the soft-tissue data to the public. Though, both Jack Horner and Mary Schweitzer (who technically found the soft tissue, now contented that— and I quote — “soft tissue can apparently survive 68 million years.”
Even the new statements that “dinosaur tissue must be 68 million years old, because — well — we all know dinosaurs are 68 million years old, right?” is a bit hard to believe they even say it. None-the-less, Jack Horner and Mary Schweitzer told LiveScience in the article beneath:
“The controversial discovery of 68-million-year-old soft tissue from the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex finally has a physical explanation. According to new research (what they mean and should state here for accuracy is a “theory” put forth by Mary Schweitzer herself), iron in the dinosaur’s body preserved the tissue before it could decay. The research, headed by Mary Schweitzer, a molecular paleontologist at North Carolina State University, explains how proteins — and possibly even DNA — can survive millennia. Schweitzer and her colleagues first raised this question in 2005, when they found the seemingly impossible: soft tissue preserved inside the leg of an adolescent T. rex unearthed in Montana (which — added for the original article’s accuracy and complete transparency — disagrees entirely with both Mary Schweitzer and Jack Horner’s previous theory that dinosaurs became birds). “What we found was unusual, because it was still soft and still transparent and still flexible,” Schweitzer told LiveScience.
One would think they would abandon the old “Dinosaurs turned into birds” story for the bigger story and reality that’s in their hands. But, it doesn’t appear that is in the cards (continued below).
In the instance of Jack Horner and Bob Enyart: Jack Horner, Jurassic Park’s original technical guy, has refused even to this very day to accept Bob Enyart’s offer to pay Jack $25,000 plus all expenses to carbon date his famous “dino soft-tissue” T-Rex discovery in Montana…… simply letting the cards fall where they may. Jack Horner stated on a recorded audio — after Bob Enyart had increased the amount several times from $10,000 in order to get the basic C-14 testing done — Jack stated that it didn’t have anything to do with the amount of money, and that no amount of money would get the C-14 test done; as doing the test (his words), “that wouldn’t help us.”
These replies seem a bit odd as Jack Horner is holding a T-Rex chock-full of bloody soft tissues and stretchy blood vessels. Mary Schweitzer — who worked with Jack Horner on the T-Rex and technically made the soft tissue discovery — is reported to have privately done a C-14 test.
Then, later reported she stated that she couldn’t remember the results.
The evolution segments of the academic community’s initial claims about the now global finds of dinosaur soft tissue were that: “Even though it looks like dinosaur blood veins, vessels and tissue…. It must be biofilm that developed after-the-fact.”
These arguments by Evolution supporters and the Darwin theological crowd lasted until about 2011.
Then, in 2011, ten leading universities and institutes including Harvard, the University of Manchester, and the University of Pennsylvania published in PLoS One, a peer-reviewed journal, that they had verified that presumed dinosaur material, and I quote their findings, “it is indeed original biological tissue from a dinosaur.”
So, following this finding, the evolution segments of the academic community, changed their story once again. Now apparently, if I understand them correctly, dinosaurs tissue can mysteriously survive millions and millions of years. And, they are working long and hard on a battery of theories and new ideas to support what they seem to need pretty badly to be true.
Have you ever been in one of those uncomfortable conversations with someone that just won’t admit the blatantly obvious despite being surrounded by their own evidence to the contrary.
Yep. That is where this could easily seem to be at in regard to dinosaurs. At evolution’s university level, no-less.
Bottom-line: How do we know that soft tissue found in dinosaur bones now all around the globe is young?
– the short-lived Carbon 14 everywhere including in dinosaur bones – the 521-year half-life of DNA that helps date the actual age of fossils containing dinosaurian genetic material, and – the mostly left-handed amino acids that should be equally right and left handed if they were “Jurassic”, and – the research on Egyptian mummies that established 10,000 years as an upper limit for how long original biological molecules could survive.
2) Carbon 14 now found Everywhere…… Including Dinosaurs.
Accordingly, Carbon 14 used to seem as if it where the “evidence tool” for those who didn’t snap to and nod along with Charles Darwin’s theories, views, opinions; and their updates, modern morphologies, and plastic monkey-men displays that came along with them. Now, at the point we are at today, many within the sciences of all flavors (even academia) seem to shy away from it (Carbon Dating) at greater and greater distances. It is true some do still sing the praises of the “precision of Carbon 14 Dating”, along with other dating methods such as radiometric dating — and, they are absolutely welcome to that opinion and view if it tickles them right — but, that certainly has not been the results and findings of my research. And, the other types of longer dating tests — such as Radiometric dating and Potassium–argon dating — actually produce numbers that are more “off-target” than carbon dating could ever dream. Here is what I would encourage anyone to look into on their own, C-14 Dating seems to consistently spit out numbers and dates all over the place (a topic that certainly deserves more than I can give it in the context of this particular article). Nonetheless, here is the long and short of this, Carbon 14 may pump out numbers all over the map when dating something (like is seen in the C-14 dates of dinosaur bone below) — however — on the flip side of the coin, it absolutely demonstrates that something cannot be millions of years old simply by the sheer virtue of having C-14 in it at all.
Dinosaurs generally date in the rages of between 20 thousand and 40 thousand (C-14 test years) from present day. Just like Mammoths and other claimed “ice-age” animals also date in these same ranges. This is generally thought to be because the atmosphere (including its carbon levels, such as C-14) were different prior to the global flood. Many of the plants and animals found underneath the ground — like a mixed bag of billions of dead things that ended in trauma as entire buried ecological systems intertwined with sea shells, clams and fish — many of the enormous creatures and massive plants buried right under our feet required an entirely different atmosphere and ecological systems to exist at all. Long story short, different atmosphere in the past equals giant numbers on your C-14 test for stuff you pull out of the ground. And, at this point, the C-14 data from Jack Horner’s T-Rex — though it would be nice — really isn’t terribly relevant at this point. As seen above, C-14 results are all over the place when it comes to dinosaur bones of nearly all types, shapes and sorts. The Evolution / Darwinism community initially claimed that “all dinosaur C-14 results come from Creationists!” A statement which, as a side note, not only turns out to be incorrect, but is an extremely hard to believe defense mechanism.
Are they actually telling me that all science finds and discoveries do NOT need to be examined from their view, especially of this nature and magnitude?
Summary on Carbon Dating of Dinosaur Bones
Whatever the case, the Carbon 14 in dinosaur bones “issue” for the evolution segments of the academic world seems to have spread any way that you look at it. It is no longer limited to an array of private organizations (many with vastly different views one from the other) who have carbon dated 100s and 100s of pieces of dinosaur bone at both university labs and private labs all across the United States, but in 2012 the Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore gave C-14 dating results from many bone samples from eight dinosaur specimens.
All C-14 dates on this entire variety of tested dinosaurs ranged from 22,000 to 39,000 years, identical to the predictions made in advance of such tests by both private researchers in the U.S. and Creation Science Organizations.