Homo Naledi — Missing Link Sham Exposed
Homo Naledi: Let me state right up front. That the more I looked at this “Missing Link” claim (in this case by Lee Berger, a professor from South Africa — who’s life focus has been evolution missing links)……
The more it looked beyond desperate. As if not even trying anymore to release anything serious, or of substance. In my opinion, this claim (after review) is disrespectful to even the word science…. I will lay out — in detail (with primate comparisons beneath) the reasons I state that.
Homo Naledi: Missing Link Sham Exposed and Explained — Bottom line short version: A bunch of very common, straightforward dead monkeys (primates) bones where found scattered everywhere in a cave system — likely either by predators feeding off these EXTREMELY common, knuckle-walking and tree climbing African primates….. Or, the animals may have been living in the cave system, somehow been trapped and unable to escape….. Or, any of about a zillion other possibilities that could leave a lot of dead primates — and their bones — in a cave in Africa….. a continent — mind you — where primates (monkeys, apes, etc…. ) are pretty common….. In fact, they’re all over the place…..
So, lets get our main player out…….
Lee Berger, a man with what clearly could appear an extensive past history of going from cave, to cave, to cave, upon caves of more caves in Africa looking for monkey (primate) bones….. Then, through the eyes of Lee Berger — who seems to see a monkey becoming a person in every dead monkey he finds — appearing to also have an extensive (life-long) history of promoting such monkey bones to others as “missing links”. Accordingly, for the record, I would notate that in review of Mr. Lee Berger’s history and involvement in doing this kind of thing, it could easily look — it certainly does in my view — as if his “stories” about bones he finds are seemingly always not just “puffed up” and “inflated” well beyond plausible reality but in his graphical recreations of such claims as well….. To be fair, we’ll simply examine Mr. Lee Berger’s current story & claim right here, right now, in this present instance.
Some might be less nice with regards to Mr. Berger’s past “monkey stories”. I, however am quite happy and extremely content (for my own personal reasons) that Mr. Berger’s “cave hoping days” have led him to these hours where he was able to sell a “missing link story” — a much needed “missing link fix for all Lucy’s troubles”…… as fate and “coincidence” would have it.
Whatever-the-case, here’s how we’ll break this down.
- Explain to you Lee Berger’s new monkey story. What he claims he found.
- Walk you through what he actually found. I think you’re going to find these two things are light years apart. PS: In terms of Darwinism Missing Link stories & claims over the years (with a stellar string of bogus “Monkey Men” stories and debunkings like a bad soap opera that never ends stringing all the way back to the very first hoax Piltdown Man). However, this may indeed easily take the prize for the sloppiest and most slip-short yet <—- My view, you decide.
—————- God and a Nutshell Update beneath, to skip to Homo Neladi Sham, simply scroll down ————–
As many of you know….. I have been working on several documentaries at once. You’re going to ask —> when will Entities be out. this answer is NOT until after September <—- That is important to me. the documentary is good most of it is finished. I believe the Lord had me wait. Please trust me in that…… Though I have gotten the dates on documentary releases and completion times wrong a lot….. When have I not delivered something very unusual from the herd? Please trust me and be patient.
The Lord had me on this Jurassic video for many, many more months than I ever set in anticipating to spend…… It has been the most technically challenging documentary to date. Entities would be the exception, but it comes out afterwards (mostly done)…….. Jurassic documentaries: It is actually 4 hours (roughly) split in two parts. First, dinosaur soft tissues (Jurassic: Soft Tissue <—- this contains a FULL DEBUNKING of EVOLUTION, the Genetics are really what slits its throat…… Genetics for Dinos, Humans, Animals, viruses…… Everything…. from the Cell to the Stars). Second, is Fossils and Pre-Flood Artifacts <—- the best, of the best, of the best of them. —> Fossils of Dragons (another roughly 2 hours)
COVER is NOT as SEEN above. But as in the Jurassic image Below…….. Jurassic: Available NOW
Also — a FULL Youtube Documentary — different (in many respects from the films) that you’re going to like. PS: the Full Richard Dawkins thing is going in there as well….. It will be about a one hour plus long collage of things I fairly certain you haven’t heard before…….. I think this may well be rather unforgettable.
I think you’re going to like it…… And, Entities deals with the machinery behind reality…… And, the fusion of science and the occult….. Among other things…… It is like nothing else….. Please be patient. It will be worth the wait — I assure you. Let me get it perfect and right. ~trey
Homo Naledi — promoted primarily by Lee Berger.
The article beneath is actually a copy of an email (with the name removed) I sent to a good friend — a few days following the news lighting up with this new “Missing Link” story —- I think it covers the issue well.
The Missing Link is a Godsend……. A true Godsend…… They served that up in PERFECT TIMING……. It could NOT have been delivered better on a silver platter.
It makes my heart sink to know they have taken the science Sir Richard Owen — the inception of the study and even name dinosaurs — and they have twisted it to use for the very thing that Sir Richard Owen fought against most — Darwinism. Its heartbreaking in a practical sense………
Homo Naledi Debunked
Again, it is like a cherry ontop. A big one.
I humbly submit to your hands, as I would theirs, that their “best expert bone minds” were NOT FOOLED by merely local farmers because they didn’t have the skills to tell the difference…… But, contrarily, from my view — they were fooled on this massive scale because they sincerely wanted to believe Jack Horner’s bird story……….
[youtube_sc url=””]
And…….. If that wasn’t an obvious fact before…… It is certainly glaring fact now.
Homo Naledi — The EPICALLY Implausible Missing Link backstory
Homo Naledi — The claimed burial site
Homo Naledi Cartoon — Meant to be taken seriously (Monkey-Men tossing Each other into a cave)
Homo Naledi, Lee Berger & Kissing the Dead Monkey
From my view — per this matter, it is EXTREMELY hard for me to believe that Berger — or anyone else, in ANY professional capacity — tossed this stuff out there, then called it real.
Whatever-the-case, here’s the Homo-Naledi monkey specs………
Note: the monkey (Primate) — (claimed “missing link” Homo naledi)
The animal has a primate pelvis (It didn’t walk upright and they know this) <—- thus, the public drawings depicting it as walking as a human meet the very definition, from my view, of the word “deceptive) <—- Everyone agrees on the primate pelvis, even Lee Berger (with a sorrowful look on his face every time asked). It has clear undeniable primate hands (more primate than many primates, in-fact), also fully primate ribs, primate shoulders, primate arms, primate legs and classic primate head. Again — in the case of the skull — this is embarrassing to try and pass-off in my opinion….. the recreation makes it look “humanish”, even with a forehead. Here again, it is an EXTREMELY DECEPTIVE recreation — which I think reflects extremely poorly on the credibility of Mr. Berger, who is both actively and principally responsible for pushing & promoting this dead monkey as a missing link.
All ANYONE has to do is look at the actual skull — then look at what Mr. Berger (a claimed expert) stood up and presented. It speaks for itself — that cut and dry.
Homo Naledi — Foot
Regardless-the-case, whether natural to this primate species, or, whether you have a little more of Mr. Berger shining through on the table layout……. It really is irrelevant either way………
No matter which — the toes and bone configuration are primate common — as every other primate known to man. They are fully primate toes and feet.
Homo Naledi: Bottom line & Closing