SkyWatch TV asks Trey Smith, “What is the FUTURE of America?”

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SkyWatch TV interview with Trey Smith
One day after the release of Trump: the Coming Landslide (a documentary by Trey Smith pulling over 500 thousand views on Youtube in its first 5 days) SkyWatch TV and I met to talk about a battery of things….. from Entities: the Unveiling (particularly being this is October), the Universe (in Josh Peck’s talk show the MultiVerse), and — of course — Donald Trump….. and the future of America.
Trey Smith / Tom Horn’s SkyWatch with host Derek Gilbert (VIDEO Beneath):
[youtube_sc url=”” fs=”1″]
Trey Smith: I would note that since the release of this documentary (Trump: the COMING LANDSLIDE) — which took about three months to make day and night, day and night….. If you have the opportunity to share the documentary — I might HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT.
During the making of this documentary, I had the opportunity to speak with many hard-core democrats about the coming election — ONE THING REALLY BOTHERED ME —> the POLL NUMBERS. Particularly after what happened to the democrats with Bernie Sanders.
The FULL Trump Documentary is below:
[youtube_sc url=”” fs=”1″]
This October, FREE SHIPPING guaranteed on Entities: the Unveiling (Full documentary by Trey Smith)

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