Sumerian Kings List PreFlood
The Sumerian Kings List, similar to Genesis, records extremely long life-spans before the flood, and also pretty long life-spans after the flood (by comparison with our life-spans today).
Sumerian King List Basic Outline
Sumerian Kings List Three Opening Sections Summary
For simplest understanding I have divided up the first three major sections of the Sumerian Kings List into these three parts:
1) Preflood (lines 1-39 of the list)
- This section covers eight (8) antediluvian kings that reigned for a total, according to their Sumerian numeric system, of: 241,200 years. This section is often compared to the ten (10) generations from Adam to Noah as it does have both similarities and differences.
2) Expansion of families and tribes directly following flood (lines 40-94)
- This section is generally thought to be a dynasty or consecutive list of kingships. However, it appears more like (or similar to) what is found in Genesis 10, a listing of families and tribes, sons and grandsons, founding what would later make-up the beginning small brick built cities later called: Sumer and Akkad.
3) The Empire Rises (lines 95-133)
- This section we see a consolidation of the power of princes and tribes and kings. We see the rise of the Temple on Inanna (E-ana), the diminishment of the city of Kish (Cush), and the naming titles change to Lord (En) and King (Lugal) in the direct linage of the “sun-god” Utu (likely Ham the Biblical father of Cush).
- So, just as Genesis 10:8-12 it reads; “Cush was the father of Nimrod, who became a mighty warrior on the earth. 9 He was a mighty hunter before the Lord; that is why it is said, “Like Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the Lord.” 10 The first centers of his kingdom were Babylon, Uruk, Akkad and Kalneh, in Shinar. 11 From that land he went to Assyria, where he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Ir, Calah 12 and Resen, which is between Nineveh and Calah—which is the great city.
- The same rise and consolidation of power over the tribes, princes and tongues witnessed in both Genesis 10 and 11 appears nearly identical to lines 95-133 of the Sumerian Kings List.
Sumerian Sexagesimal System
It is commonly believed and accepted that the list is using the sexagesimal number system. This means they were using a base of 60 or sexagenary. It is a numeral system with sixty as its base, like later Babylon.
This sexagesimal system, as seen above, makes it particularly difficult for us to understand precisely what they are saying when they give common life-span amounts of years, like: “Dumuzid the shepherd (the same name of Inanna‘s later consort), ruled for 36,000 years.”
Never-the-less, it is clear from the collections of their texts that they are expressing a literal belief that there were incredibly long life-spans before the flood, and also extraordinarily long life-spans for a time after the flood.
First Section of Sumerian King’s List
The first section of the Sumerian King’s List says:
1 When the kingship was lowered from heaven
the kingship was in Eridu(g).
Trey Smith Notes: The Sumerians reference the name Eridu in the opening line of the King’s List. This would be the later name of the area (city) where the Tower of Babel would take its rise. It is the patron city of the claimed god Enki.
Enki ( Sumerian: ??? D EN-KI). The ? ( en) meaning “lord” and ? ( ki) meaning “earth, ground” (it also may be originally from ? ( kur) meaning “underworld”). Enki, called Ea by the Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylonians, was the Sumerian god of the abyss, water (a connection with the flood) and wisdom, and the keeper of the Me (Mes), the secret knowledge of the underworld gods.
Similiarly the word Babel, from which we later get Babylon, is from the Sumerian phrase Bab-ilim, gate of the god.:
So, it would seem reasonable that the Sumerians named the area of their great tower after the place they believed the gods put Adam (possibly A-lulim in Sumerian) as the first man.
Sumerian Kings List (lines 1-40) below
(Oxford Translation)
(line 1) When the kingship was lowered from heaven
the kingship was in Eridu(g).
(In) Eridu(g) A-lulim(ak) (became) king
and reigned 28,800 years;
(line 5) Alalgar reigned 36,000 years.
2 kings
reigned its 64,800 years.
I drop (the topic) Eridu(g);
its kingship to Bad-tibira(k)
(line 10) was carried.
(In) Bad-tibira(k) En-men-lu-Anna(k)
reigned 43,200 years;
reigned 28,800 years;
(line 15) divine Dumu-zi(d), a shepherd, reigned 36,000 years.
3 kings
reigned its 108,000 years.
I drop (the topic) Bad-tibira(k);
its kingship to Larak was carried.
(line 20) (In) Larak En-sipa(d)-zi(d)-Anna(k)
reigned its 28,800 years.
1 king
reigned its 28,800 years.
I drop (the topic) Larak;
(line 25) its kingship to Sippar was carried.
(In) Sippar En-men-dur-Anna(k)
became king and reigned 21,000 years.
1 king
reigned its 21,000 years.
(line 30) I drop (the topic) Sippar;
its kingship to Shuruppak was carried.
(In) Shuruppak Ubar-Tutu(k)
became king and reigned 18,600 years.
1 king
(line 35) reigned its 18,600 years.
5 cities were they;
8 kings
reigned their 241,200 years.
Then the Flood swept thereover.
(line 40) After the Flood had swept thereover,
when the kingship was lowered from heaven
the kingship was in Kish (Cush).
PreFlood Genesis vs. PreFlood Sumerian
The geneology of Genesis from Adam to Noah covers ten (10) generations of the antediluvian patriarchs.
Conversely, the geneology on the Sumerian Kings List, although possibly starting with a variation of the name Adam (A-lulim), goes on to present a geneology which has ties to their occult religious practises.
For example, beginning the third name down on the Sumerian Kings List is: En-men-lu-Anna(k)
En means lord in Sumerian. And Annak appears to have connection to the Sons of Anak in Numbers 13: 33 “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.”
Accordingly, in Jasher 12:52 we read of Nimrod’s head conjuror: “And a wise servant of king Nimrod, whose name was Anuki, answered the king, saying, This is nothing else but the evil of Abram and his seed which will spring up against my Lord and king in the latter days.”
In the Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian texts the word Anunnaki is used hundreds, if not thousands of times. These are a set of angelic-like deities. They are presented very similar to the fallen angels described in the Book of Enoch. Further, it appears rituals, including outfits with animal heads and birds wings, were done to call in (or be posessed by) the Anunnaki Lords.
In the ancient text of Enki and the World Order, the Anunnaki “do homage” to Enki, sing hymns of praise in his honor, and “take up their dwellings” among the people of Sumer. The same composition twice states that the Anunnaki “decree the fates of mankind”.
On the PreFlood Section of the Sumerian Kings List names above, you have:
- En-men-lu-Anna(k)
- En-men-gal-Anna(k)
- Divine Dumu-zi(d), reigned 36,000 years
- En-sipa(d)-zi(d)-Anna(k)
- En-men-dur-Anna(k)
In the dead center, the heart, of this set of Lord (En) Annaks you have one listed as, the divine Dumuzid.
Dumuzid is another name for Tammuz. Moreover, Dumuzid and Tammuz are merely another name for Enkidu. And Enkidu means: Enki Created.
In short, on the Preflood portion of the Sumerian Kings List demons, devils and fallen angels are praised and given credit for the creation of the linage of kings and empire thereof. On the other hand, in the Genesis genealogy, God’s plan for humanity appears both expressed and praised in the very list of names.