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Tower of Babel: Was it real?

Tower of Babel


Tower of Babel

Has it been found? 

Tower of Babel: This article on the Tower of Babel is a continuation of the Sumerian Kings List article series. The previous article was Sumerian Kings List: Nimrod.

The Tower of Babel

  1. The ruins of the Ziggurat of Eridu (seen below) are larger and older than any others ever discovered within the fertile crescent, or the cradle of civilization.
  2. The Ziggurat of Eridu is located in roughly the same area as the description given in Genesis.
  3. The Tower of Eridu was destroyed, or fell, or never completed for whatever cause.
  4. Eridu is the location of the claimed god Enki, god of “Abzu”.
  5. In the Sumerian text of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta the Ziggurat of Eridu is where the “speech of mankind” was meant to become one.
  6. In cuniform Eridu can be shown as “NUN.KI” meaning the “Mighty Place”.
  7. Berosus (c. 200 BC) in his Greek version of the Sumerian Kings List uses the word “Babylon” in place of the word “Eridu”.

Ziggurat of Eridu


Ziggurat of Eridu

Ziggurat of Eridu

The above image shows the ruins of ancient Eridu.

In the ancient world, Eridu was recorded as a city with a port situated on a mesmerizing freshwater bay.

Eridu ReCreation

Eridu ReCreation

The coastline of the Persian Gulf is far more south today then during the times of Genesis following the flood, or the Sumerians during the Ubaid period. In other words, the beautiful waterfont of the Persian Gulf has been receding over the ages and Eridu is now in the desert.

Eridu: Ubaid Period

Eridu: Ubaid Period

It is a commonly agreed in modern archaeology that civilization began in ancient Mesopotamia with the great the civilization of Sumer (modern-day Iraq). However, at the beginning of the 20th century, archaeologists excavating at Tell Al’Ubaid in Iraq made an unusual discovery when they unearthed artifacts which appear to represent humanoid figures with reptilian features.

The term “Ubaid Period” is simply a name coined during a conference in Baghdad in 1930.

You could view the Ubaid period as the time just before and during the building of the Tower of Babel. The city of Eridu (and ziggurate thereof) where part of the heart and epicenter of the Ubaid period.

Eridu: Ubaid Period "Lizard Man" figurines

Eridu: Ubaid Period “Lizard Man” figurines

It is unknown exactly why the areas of Eridu and Uruk in the land of what would be Biblically known as “Shinar” would have reptilian figurines or strange eye-idols? But, it does tend to make one think of the Serpent (Nachash) from Genesis 3.

Whatever-the-case, these are the exact areas we read in Genesis where Nimrod built his tower. And, these are the same places these strange objects are found.

Eridu: The Ruins of the Ancient Tower

Eridu: The Ruins of the Ancient Tower

The remains of Eridu seen above have been built and rebuilt upon many, many times.

The mound you see in the image is


Whilst many believe these events as myth covered in the opening pages of Genesis; the physical evidence of them upon examination is quite overwhelming. In this film, we will look at that evidence.

Secrets on Sumerian Stones is part III of the Genesis study by the God in a Nutshell project.

Secrets of Sumerian Stones draws from a number of artifacts from both ancient Sumer and Akkad. Above are portions of the Sumerian Epic Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta. A full translation of the text of Enmerkar and the Lord of Aratta is available here.

Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the world. Many claim that the Sumerians just came out of nowhere. This culture is in the same area where Noah’s ark landed. And, Noah’s ark is said to have landed in the Kingdom of Ararat also called the Urartu mountains.

The area on the map above where you see Eridu and Ur is called Sumer, where we get the word Sumerian. This is also the area of the Tower of Babel. The area where you see Noah’s ark is the mountains of Ararat, presumably where “Lord Aratta” lived.

Interestingly, we find the Ararat mountains (seen beneath) is likely the area Gilgamesh travelled to meet Utnapishtim (Noah in the Epic of Gilgamesh).

We also see “Utu/Shamash” seals where Utu is cutting his way from between two mountain peaks. In Sumerian, Utu was recognized as the “sun-god”. The first sun-god of all earth. However, Utu was also an actual person.

In fact, Utu is told to us to be the grandfather of Enmerkar (Nimrod) by the Sumerians. Therefore it does not take much thought to realize Utu is likely the Sumerian name for Noah’s son Ham. If we take that assumption, then we are looking at some of the earliest impressions of Noah’s son Ham cutting his way into the new world having begun between the two mountain peaks; the same place Gilgamesh travelled to visit Noah (Utnapishtim).

Utu, or in Akkadian “Shamash”, demanded his children and grandchildren worship him as the tribal king, war lord, and eventually the sun-god.

The sons of Ham were: Canaan, Put, Egypt and Cush.

It is through Cush that you get Nimrod and the Tower of Babel.


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