Tag Archives: sin
He Really Loves Us… Christine McDonald
When I got off the streets and off dope, I learned of this man who had been in the heavens who chose to be a homeless being, who was judged for His work.
Singling Out Sin… Michael Stone
Before we start judging others, let’s ask Holy Spirit to search our hearts.
The Most Important Decision Of Your Life
If I asked you what the most important decision of your life is, what would that be?
Preview: God’s Spring Appointed Holidays 5779/2019
There are seven God appointed holidays communicated through the Old Testament Law. The first three spring holidays were fulfilled on the appointed holiday by Jesus Himself.
Church in the 21st Century… Beer Please!
Welcome to Castle Church Brewing Community in Orlando, Florida.
Predestined With Free Will: Humanity
It is God’s will that each created, individual human being should not perish or face judgment. God wants all of us to have a change of heart and mind and return to Him.