News, Prophecy, Science, US/World

Super Volcanoes Rumble to Life

Psalm 97:5 The mountains melt like wax before the LORD, before the Lord of all the earth.

Photo: AP/Weather Channel

December 24, 2018: Mount Etna in Italy has erupted. This is Italy’s largest volcano. Mt. Etna is located on the island of Sicily. This is west of the toe in the boot of Italy. According to experts, the eruption occurred from a new fracture. Approximately 130 quakes less than 4.0 on the Richter Scale have been reported. Air space in the region has been closed because of extensive ash.

“The eruption occurred on the side of Mt. Etna. It’s the first lateral eruption in more than 10 years, but it doesn’t seem to be dangerous.” -Boris Behncke, Volcanologist, Italy’s National Institute for Geophysics and Vulcanology

Click on the video link above for geography and additional analysis

Luke 21:25 And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves… -Jesus

Isaiah 51:15 I am the LORD your God, who stirs up the sea so that its waves roar— the LORD of hosts is his name.

December 23, 2018: Anak Krakatoa has erupted and is likely the cause of a deadly tsunami. The volcano is located in the Sunda Strait between the Indonesian islands of Java and Sumatra. The number of dead is approaching 400 at the time of this post. Hundreds of others have been injured and missing. Landslides from the eruption are the likely cause of the tsunami. Fears of further eruptions and tsunamis are indicated.

Video of the continued eruption provided by Channel NewsAsia.

Channel NewsAsia

These events are not prophetic fulfillment. They are trends that will increase as the time draws nearer…

Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now.

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