Tag Archives: sun
Hebrew Mazzaroth, Arranged by Phil Kulis
These are the main constellations of the Mazzaroth. Major stars and the meaning of the star’s names are completed within the constellation.
Follow the meaning of the constellations and stars... Who do you get???
Virgo, The Seed of the Woman
– Spica = the Branch
Libra, The Required Price Paid
– Zuben alChemali = the...
Sun’s Coronal Hole Increases
Author: Paul Lehr
There are multiple references in the Bible regarding the impact on the sun during the tribulation or what is called The Day of the Lord by the prophets. (Joel 2:2, Joel 2:10, Joel 3:15, Zephaniah 1:15, Isaiah 13:6, 9, 10, Isaiah 24:23, Amos 5:20, Matthew 24:29, Revelation 6:12b, Revelation...
Earth Staggers Like a Drunk, Planet 9???
Author: Paul Lehr
Isaiah 24:18c-20 For the windows of heaven are opened, and the foundations of the earth tremble. The earth is utterly broken, the earth is split apart, the earth is violently shaken. The earth staggers like a drunken man; it sways like a hut; its transgression lies heavy upon...