Hebrew Mazzaroth, Arranged by Phil Kulis

These are the main constellations of the Mazzaroth. Major stars and the meaning of the star’s names are completed within the constellation.
Follow the meaning of the constellations and stars… Who do you get???
Virgo, The Seed of the Woman
– Spica = the Branch
Libra, The Required Price Paid
– Zuben alChemali = the price which is deficient
– Zuben alGenubi = the price which covers
Scorpio, The Mortal Conflict
– Antares = the wounding
Decan to Scorpio is Ophiuchus,
– Ras El Hagus = He who holds
Sagittarius, The Final Triumph
– Naim = the Gracious One
Capricorn, Life out of Death
– Al Gedi = Cut off
– Dabih = the Sacrifice slain
Aquarius, Blessing out of Victory
– Sadalmelik = the Record of the pouring out
– Sadalsuud = He who pours out
– Sheat = Who goes and returns
Pisces, Deliverance out of Bondage
– Okda = the United
– Alsamaca = the Upheld
Aries, The Sacrifice, Glory out of Humiliation
– Elnath = wounded, slain
– Sheretan = bruised
– Mesartim = the bound
Taurus, His Glorious Coming
– Al Deberan = the Govenor
Orion, Coming forth as Light
– Betelgeuse = The Coming of the Branch
– Rigel = The Foot that Crushes
– Bellatrix = Quickly Coming, Swiftly Destroying
(Note Orion is a decan constellation)
Gemini, His Rule on Earth
– Pollux = Wounded, Afflicted
– Castor = Ruler, Judge
Cancer, His Possessions Held Secure
– Tegmine = Holding
– Acubene = Sheltering, Hiding
– Ma’alaph = Assembled Thousands
– Praesepe = Multitude
Leo, His Enemies Destroyed
– Regulus = Treading Underfoot
– Denebola = The Judge who Comes
– Algiebha = The Exhaltation
It’s interesting to note that Ophiuchus, the decan to Scorpio, is restraining the serpent with his heel on the scorpion. The star Antares meaning wounding is the foot of Ophiuchus and the head of Scorpio.
Also, Sagittarius the archer’s arrow is pointed at the heart of Scorpio.
Maybe meant to be part of the same since they share a major star and this prophecy.
Genesis 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise Him on the heel.
Follow the meaning of the constellations and stars… Who do you get???