The Climate of Clement

Author: Andrew Smith
Earlier today I found out that this world had lost a great soldier for Christ when Heaven gained Kim Clement. I remember sometime early in 2001 when I first heard a message from Mr. Clement. It was an utterance about God using the theaters of this nation in a strange way. He picked up a cup of water from a podium and began to pour it out as he spoke about God pouring His Spirit into the children of men. It was one of those moments that sticks with you. It has a resonance that lasts an eternity. Those words still ring in my soul as loud as the day I first heard them. I recently rediscovered Kim in a video about Trump produced by Trey Smith and The God in a Nutshell Project. After almost 15 years, as soon as I heard that voice my heart leaped because the resonance was familiar. I spent that night on Kim’s website purging through the archive of his body of work and my soul sang the song of restoration that night. It was that same night that my research led to the revelation that Kim was fighting for his life. Oddly enough Holy Spirit assured me that Kim was taken care of. Some people will interpret that as a physical healing but that was not the flavor that came across that night. I was just that Kim was well within the divine plan for his life. There have been only a few people in my life that have strung a cord at my center in such a way as Clement. His messages had a perfect balance. He didn’t shy from the avenues of repentance yet interceded with a positive flow of words that almost made a man jealous for repentance. I owe Kim a debt of eternal gratitude that I will repay one day on the shores of the crystal sea. As for now my prayers are with his family and friends who will endure the temporary loss most profoundly.
I remember watching a video of Kim sharing the Lord’s supper with a good friend in the garden. It was a very touching and surreal moment he shared with viewers that just brought conviction to my own less then reverent practices when it comes to the Lord’s supper. We did big church communion at my local fellowship during the Joash service this past Sunday and to this day my observance of that tradition has a renewed reverence because of Kim, he doesn’t even know it. During one of the most significant spiritual experiences I have had to date, I was brought to a complete change of perception of the world and everything around me. There was a physical change in the air and the way it smelled. There was a change in the colors of the sky and the grass as if someone had lit them on fire. The breeze was majestic and the sounds of the birds sang the songs of harmony. It was a complete climate change and I don’t mean the kind Al Gore talks about. It was a distinct and imprinting change that had its own ambiance and peace to it. It was familiar to me, I had felt it before, but this dose came from the Source. Now that I think about it I realize why the change of climate was familiar. I recognized it from 2001 when I experienced it before as I received a little bit of the Creator through the climate of Clement. Thank you Kim!
May the grace of Christ, and the love of Creator, and the fellowship of Holy Spirit be with you all.