Straight Talk, Directions and Instructions to the Father’s Glory Kitchen… Rodna Epley

Directions and Instructions to the Father’s Glory Kitchen:
- Download the GPS app which is Jesus – the Way.
- Put on the proper clothing on, the wedding garment, which is Christ in you and you in Christ, a covenant relationship and a two-way street. This is a commitment to Him forever and is the activated state of God’s glory where you are the light of the world and all things literally become possible to you.
- Come through the Door, which is also Christ, but avoid the temptation of propping up against the beautiful Door (or the Gate called Beautiful) as a lame man begging for change, or just being satisfied with being “saved”, because you can’t taste the food from the Door. You can only smell it wafting your way from the Kitchen. Walk inside and take a seat at the Table!
- The Usher, the Holy Spirit, will navigate you to the Glory Dining Room and show you what to do. In fact, He will be with you through the whole process. He’s your access to the entire operating system of the Father’s glory which can only be obtained in Christ (2 Thessalonians 2:14). You will find your name already on the Table with your plate waiting to be filled by you.
- It’s also an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. The food is already hot n ready and on the table so be sure to pile your plate up high and ask for a doggie bag to take home for others! Father is really generous! The Buffet is so delectable that this world cannot imagine the deliciousness of it all. Papa is a meat and potatoes kind of Man. He also likes to fish and grill out sometimes. He is also the true Master Chef (Gordon Ramsey can’t compare) of whatever your taste palate becomes set for, but if you like only Veggies – He has those too. Ever heard of the Tree of Life? (Proverbs 3:13-18). You could also live on the Bread and Wine alone (John 6:53-58) so try to remember…there is much more on the menu. But you won’t find protein powder in the Glory Kitchen.
- If you need help deciding, there’s a menu in the form of Word tablet floating in the air in front of you so just scroll down or up through the promises of God and tap on the ones you want then the food miraculously appears in front of you. Anything He’s ever promised anyone in the Bible is available to you off the menu. If you don’t see something on table you want then scroll to one of these menu items and tap it. It’s a blank check for kingdom children who are learning to operate in the Father’s glory. (Matthew 18:19; 21:22; Mark 11:24; John 14:13; 15:7; 15:16; 16:23–24; James 1:5-6, 1:17; 1 John 3:22, 5:14)
- After dinner, Father will teach you how to cook and serve from His own kitchen so you can be a master chef too. This is anything you want to do in life, Him working with you, tag-teaming with the Holy Spirit.