Straight Talk… The Vine, Rodna Epley

This revelation came in to me recently by the Holy Spirit about the Vine pattern in the Word itself. It takes stepping back and looking at the Word as a whole. There is a much bigger picture that God has for us although all the contextual parts are also very important for focusing in on specific areas. I can see many topics that have this vine pattern from the holistic perspective, but since I love the glory topic and it’s the very purpose of the Gospel according to 2 Thessalonians 2:14. My focus here is the glory!
2 Thessalonians 2:14 To this he called you through our gospel, so that you may obtain the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
From Yahweh in the old covenant to the prophecy in Isaiah, God would share His glory with only one other – The Messiah…
to Jesus demonstrating for all of us how to operate in the glory through the Father’s works He performed…
to Jesus giving us the same glory He was given by the Father before the world was, so that we could be restored to the Father through Himself…
to know the Father’s love…
to become one as a church…
to believe the Father sent Jesus, so that we could do the works He did including raising the dead, casting out demons, healing the sick, etc., and “greater works” than those too because “we abide in Him and His Word abides in us we can ask whatever we desire and it will be done” according to Jesus. Part of these greater works is taking dominion over creation itself which are the works of His hands.
And this all gives the Father glory Jesus said.
I love the Word ❤️. It’s simple and very complex at the same time. The knowledge of God is inexhaustible. The Lord has been working on opening up my imagination lately. This is necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said we all must become like little children. While we continue to grow in the knowledge of God, knowledge of His glory, we wholeheartedly believe that all things truly are possible. Learn to do the works that Jesus did and “greater works”. This is what it means to be part of being in the family of God, to be in His kingdom. His kingdom is saturated with the Presence of the Father’s Glory.