Fake News??? Transgender Rights, Feminists, and Lesbians…
Genesis 1:27 God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.
Matthew 19:4-5 He (Jesus) answered, “Have you not read that He who created them from the beginning made them male and female, and said, ‘Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’?…
The following commentary is from the setting that is The Heritage Foundation. Yes, this occurred at a home of conservative political thought. The Heritage Foundation is one of the nation’s most influential institutions for conservative thinking. Ronald Reagan, Margaret Thatcher, Rush Limbaugh… you get the idea.
Pay close attention. The content required multiple re readings. For those not versed in these issues, this can be a little confusing…
Kara Dansky was invited by The Heritage Foundation to speak on a panel. Ms. Dansky is a self proclaimed feminist lawyer and spokeswoman for Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF). She is not a lesbian.
Ms. Dansky’s concern… Transgender Activism is anti woman and anti lesbian. She is calling on men to stand up to Transgender Activism.
Other members of the panel included Hasci Horvath. Hasci, originally a man, identified as a woman and had surgery. Horvath had an interesting observation.
“And it’s really shocking how many men on the internet are defending the whole trans thing. Straight men are all about the trans, and you have to wonder what the heck is going on.” -Hasci Horvath
Another panel member was Julia Beck. Julia is a lesbian and former member of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ Commission. Ms. Beck encountered the semantic police in a very harsh way. She was booted from the Baltimore LGBTQ Commission. Her violation, inappropriate use of pronouns…
“I got kicked off of the Baltimore mayor’s LGBTQ commission, as the only lesbian, simply for stating biological facts. I was found guilty of ‘violence.’ My crime? Using male pronouns to talk about a convicted male rapist who identifies as transgender and prefers female pronouns.”
“The man who led my inquisition also identifies as ‘transgender.’ He is the president of the Baltimore Transgender Alliance and claims to be a lesbian.” -Julia Beck
The following is from assistant editor Tyler O’Neil. There are multiple video clips from Mr. O’Neil at his Twitter feed regarding this conference. Below is a sample.
“The meeting made one thing crystal clear: Inclusivity means all voices are welcome, except women’s, except lesbians’. Everything is about the T now, entirely eclipsing the L, G, and B. The T is diametrically opposed to the first three letters in the acronym, and especially to the L.” -Julia Beck
This article is an interesting read. See the link below.
Luke 11:17 But He (Jesus), knowing their thoughts, said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself is laid waste, and a divided household falls.
Come Lord Jesus…