Super Blood Wolf Moon, January 2019
Psalms 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
A wolf moon is a full moon in January. This wolf moon will be in total eclipse or a blood moon. Hence the term, Super Blood Wolf Moon.
The lunar eclipse in 2019 will occur on January 20-21, 2019. In North America, the partial lunar eclipse will begin at 10:34 pm EST on January 20th and the total lunar eclipse will begin at 11:41 pm EST on January 20th. Totality will end at 12:43 am EST on January 21st, and the partial eclipse will end at 1:50 am on January 21st. The total lunar eclipse will also be viewable in western Europe and extreme northern Asia.
Joel 2:31 The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and awesome day of the LORD comes.
Peter quotes the verse above in Acts 2:20.
The answer lies in the verse. Read carefully. Note the word “before”. Is the upcoming event a “sign”? If it is a sign, it is just that… a sign. A sign indicates something is coming. Nothing is going to happen other than an incredible celestial event.
This January 2019 total lunar eclipse will mark the end of a decade long series of lunar and solar eclipses. There have been a total of 40 heavenly events from 2010-2019. At the center of these events was the tetrad of lunar eclipses that occurred on Passover 2014, Tabernacles 2014, Passover 2015, and Tabernacles 2015.
To quote the observer of this phenomenon Paul Grevas, “This is the only tetrad in world history from 3000 BC to 2015 AD to display symmetrical perfection of exact days about midpoint with all 40 eclipses 2010-2019.”
Of interest, there are 40 heavenly signs with perfect symmetry. The number 40 is consistent with the Hebraic concept of Teshuvah. The English term we use is “repent”. The idea is to turn toward God. People are called to turn away from their sin, repent, and change course. It is a time of inward reflection and sincere self-assessment. The goal is a change in lifestyle away from sin to obedience in God’s word.
To be clear, I am not calling for the resurrection of the dead or the rapture. If you are looking for date setting and corresponding events, this is not your website. My money says the resurrection and rapture do not happen. That said, I welcome the prophecy with open arms. Come Lord Jesus!
IF… this is the last sign of a decade long process within a series of 40 signs, the message is simple. It is a warning. We are called to repent of our ways. Change your hearts and return to God. Believe in the cross work of Jesus. If not, judgment is coming.
Believe what you want, it’s your choice.
But don’t kid yourself. We are trending hard towards a date with destiny…
Matthew 24:21-22 For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. -Jesus