Luke 21:11a There will be great earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences.
This one verse has it all in today’s news…
July 12, 2017: The country of Yemen is undergoing the worst cholera outbreak in world history. That is the assessment of the United Nations. Yemen is a war torn country of 27 million people on the southern tip of the Arabian Peninsula. Civil war between Sunni and Shia Muslims continues to rage. Click on video link below for Yemen Civil War information and analysis.
5,000 to 7,000 new cases per day are estimated per the International Committee of the Red Cross. Number of daily cases is up from 2,000 plus just two months ago in May 2017.
In May 2017, experts estimated at least 150,000 cases were expected over the next six months. As of July 2017, there are over 320,000 cases reported. Numbers were actually underestimated. 1,700 plus deaths have occurred in the last couple of months.
Cholera is the result of poor sanitation, untreated water and food, and dysentery. Cholera is a vicious cycle of disease that spreads easily and quickly among the masses.
As a result of war, infrastructure is breaking down to the point of collapse. Clean water is not available. Trash men are on strike.
The United Nations is cutting back on food and focusing on the epidemic. Food supplies have been cut off from the populous. Hunger and malnutrition are spreading throughout the country.
Over half of the hospitals have been damaged and destroyed. Medical supplies are limited and new supplies have been affected by war and supply chains. Up to six children are sharing a hospital bed. Trained medical staff is in short supply. Local medical professionals have gone without pay for 10 months. Vaccines for cholera have been suspended due to the condition of war.
The United Nations estimates 14.5 to 19 million people have been impacted.
There will be great earthquakes…
A deep 6.0 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of North Korea today. The quake was estimated to be approximately 600 km into the earth. That energy is going to release somewhere closer to the surface. Don’t be surprised if 7.0 or greater is just around the corner…
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