Emergency UN Meeting Over Jerusalem

Zechariah 12:2a “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around…
The United Nations (UN) held an emergency meeting over President Trump and his declaration of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The UN has informed President Trump’s announcement has ruined the chance for peace in the Middle East.
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“The United Nations has repeatedly declared that any unilateral decision that seeks to alter the character and status of Jerusalem or that may alter these long-standing principles could seriously undermine current peace efforts and may have repercussions across the region.” Nickolay Mladenov, UN special coordinator for the Middle East peace process.
“The status of Jerusalem cannot be unilaterally altered or determined by any state and this decision by the US should be reconsidered and rescinded. The extremely regrettable announcement … has heightened tensions and risks the complete destabilization of this volatile situation.” -Riyad Mansour, UN ambassador and permanent observer for Palestine.
Israel and the United States responded with a different tone and approach at the emergency meeting. The United States was represented by Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN. Israel was represented by their Ambassador to the UN, Danny Danon.
“The United States has the courage and true understanding of justice to officially state what has always been known: that Jerusalem has and always will be the capital of Israel. The embassy of the United States belongs in Israel’s capital. We are grateful to the United States for its courageous decision. We call on all the nations of the world to join us this year in Jerusalem, the capital of the state of Israel.” -Danny Danon, Israeli Ambassador to the UN.
“Over many years the United Nations has outrageously been one of the world’s foremost centers of hostility towards Israel. The UN has done much more damage to the prospects of Middle East peace than to advance them. We remain committed to achieving a lasting peace agreement. We support a two-state solution if agreed to by the parties.” -Nikki Haley, US Ambassador to the UN.
Jordan who manages security for the holy sites in Jerusalem has stated nothing has changed.
“The kingdom believes that any unilateral decisions to build a new situation on the ground are null and void. The protection of Jerusalem and its holy places for all religions.” -Sima Bahous, Jordan UN representative
Egypt, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, Sweden, and Japan have made strong public statements condemning President Trump’s declaration. The Arab world is obviously up in arms.
The countries of the world are literally wringing their hands over Jerusalem.
The rest of the world does not see President Donald Trump to be a viable peace broker in the Middle East Peace Process. The world is scrambling for a person to take the lead on the issue. I will make the argument President Trump’s actions may be paving the way for the antichrist. Leadership will emerge. Do your own homework.
The Bible states in Daniel 7 and Revelation chapters 13 & 17 a man will emerge from a group of a 10 nation conglomerate. He is going to be a really bad dude.
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