Israeli Delegation to Trump Inauguration, Embassy Plans

Author: Paul Lehr
Genesis 12:3 And I will bless those who bless you…
Yehuda Glick headed an Israeli delegation to Washington, D.C. for the inauguration of President Donald Trump. This is the same Yehuda Glick who is a member of the Israeli Knesset. This is the same Yehuda Glick who took multiple gunshots from an intended assassin and survived. He is the same rabbi who was the head of the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. He believes Jews should be able to pray on the Temple Mount. Previously, Glick has stated a vision of three faiths (Islam, Christianity and Judaism) sharing the Temple Mount.
Glick is one of two Jewish lawmakers who attended the inauguration along with West Bank settler leaders.
“I hope to deliver to those people my message, which is that Jerusalem is the city of peace. It is an international city for all people, Jews and non-Jews, and it’s the city of global peace that knows how to bring people together. I come carrying the name of Jerusalem for this cause and I will reiterate it in all of my meetings,” said Glick.
January 24, 2017: Publically the Trump Administration states the US Embassy move from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem is in the early stages.
“We’re at the very early stages of that decision-making process,” stated Sean Spicer, White House Press Secretary.
Actions are speaking louder than words. It appears the Trump Administration is moving forward with plans to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem.
According to Jerusalem City Councilman and Deputy Mayor Meir Turjemon, “The architect who designs American embassies around the world has already arrived in Israel to examine the conditions in the field.”
The United States Ambassador to Israel, David Friedman, is planning on living and working in Jerusalem. Traditionally, the US Ambassador lives in Herzliya which is north of Tel Aviv on the Mediterranean coast. Friedman’s plans are to arrive in Jerusalem in late February and begin working. He does not care if the US Embassy is moved or not. He is going to work in the capital city of Israel.
It is a good idea to be kind to God’s chosen nation. Be gracious, hospitable, and friendly to Israel. And God will make America great again.
Trend Update: Israeli Delegation to Trump Inauguration, Embassy Plans, January 2017